Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Mine are still freeloaders. However, Hecate, my Barred Rock, had an especially good day today. She lured me out to take pictures of her, then taunted me by posing in front of icky backgrounds:

She also tricked me into kneeling in fresh chicken poop to try to get a shot. Twice. Then, I labored and struggled to carry 5 (five!) 50lb each bags of sand out to their coop, cleaned out all the wood shavings and spread out wonderful, clean sand. I raked it smooth and also put sand in their run while they loitered about and tried to trip me when I was carry the bags. Once that was done, I went inside to drink a little water and stare at the turkey. Meanwhile, darkness fell and the dogs started getting anxious to go out in the yard. So, I went out and shut up the coop and run and did a quick double check to make sure everyone was in there. Nope. Only one, lonely little EE in the coop. The Barred One was missing. I felt a growing panic as I checked the dead scotch broom bush that she likes to roost in and all around the yard. No stripey chicken. The dogs, meanwhile, are barking and barking thinking I forgot about doggy dinner. Finally, when I am standing there, completely at a loss, I spy her, smugly snuggled on TOP of the run. So, I have to go crawl through the bushes and pry myself between the wall and the coop, in the dark, pick her up, and then somehow crawl back, in the dark, holding a naughty chicken and put her in the run so she can go in the coop, and then stand there, in the cold, shining a flashlight so she can get all situated properly.

Naughty chicken. Least she could do would be to lay and egg.

Happy Thanksgiving, all!
Haha! Great story whoops!

Mine wasn't quite so intriguing... However, I've had a baby EE that started flying at 1 week old. Needless to say I put the top on the brooder the first time I saw her perch on the waterer. Anyway today I took the lid part way off to clean the waterer. I only had my back turned for a second. When I turned around she had flown up and out of the brooder and was perched on the lid. Thankfully I was able to scoop her up and deposit her safely home. I think I'll name her Amelia for her love of flying.

The only other chicken to have a name is my polish. Her name is Phyllis because for some reason she reminds me of Phyllis Diller.

Hoping to get pictures this weekend as they are all growing so quickly!
Whoops, i just noticed that you live in Alb NM! s'where my Mylee lives... sneaky little BR of yours sure is pretty! she's getting close judging by that pic, but probably another week or so...

lindz, when Mylee gets rats in her hair, we call her Phyllis Diller... now at 4 years old, she repeats it, pretty funny to hear her say it... I got PHYLLis DILLah hayah.
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Lupine makes leashes and collars. Their guarantee is that the dog cannot destroy their product, or they will replace it. I was the first person the pet store ever had exchange a collar. It was a money saver, though!
People waste so much food. Roger will be happy about it in the morning. Thanksgiving table scraps........It's what's for breakfast
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WHAT DID WE GET DAD !!!!!!!!!!
Well, I ate just a wee little bit too much.
My inlaws came down and my dad and sister came over for turkey dinner. My sis makes excellent gravy, which is unfortunate, because it makes you want to eat more! We are in the clearing up process and my back needed a break, so I thought I'd check in and see how everyone is doing.

Whoops, your Barred One sounds like some one we all know! Those BRs sure are attention hogs.
And Chickenlindz, it's amazing how well some chickens can fly. One of the Seramas flew up on top of the carport, at least 10 ft up! She's pretty hefty for her size, too. Long time ago when I volunteered for the bird rescue, I got to release a rehabbed snowy egret. Body seemed about the size of large fowl chicken, but the egret couldn't have weighed more than 3 lbs. With those huge wings, it didn't take much energy to get airborne. Every wing beat lofted her upward about a foot. Really just a bunch of feathers held together with some hollow bones and a bit of skin. Nature is very cool.

Hope everyone had a nice day. May tomorrow be egg filled for all!

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