Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

True Heritage Barred Rocks... aren't cheap. the hatchery version on the other hand... is... I want the true heritage breed next year. they are awesome dual purpose birds, and their barring is dizzying, it's so beautiful.

love the idea OK, Roger would make the perfect starting hen, she already has all the qualities you listed!
now we just need to locate a good roo to complete the package!

ugh, my phone started ringing before 7 am, local carrier called in sick, and I don't know where her sub is working that she can't cover in her own office... they want me to do a double. I'm so tired from the last 3 days, and my "delivery arm" is showing tendonitis in the elbow... I need a break. I've never turned down work before, unless I was already booked... I feel guilty that I haven't returned the call yet. I want to say no. I'm not too good at saying no... dang it... I want an easy day.

time to go feed the gang and check for frozen eggs...
Hi ZakoHero, welcome to the thread, where Barred Rocks rule... and Pie is the preferred menu item! I'm quick to shorten everyone's handle... so I will call you ZH...

crazy day! the mail was 90 minutes late! which is only added stress as the afternoon truck doesn't come 90 minutes later, so I had to finish a 9 hour route in 7.5 hours. I was making great time til I got to the end, there was a really big fire at 8 this morning on Johnson Hollow Rd, in Prattsville, and when I got there at 4 pm, the fire companies were still there! I couldn't go through as they had hoses going across the road, and with the severe cold, they worried that the hoses would split if anyone drove over them, so I had to make an 11 mile detour "around the block" to get to the other side of the chaos. there was no loss of life, thank God, but the home is a total loss, which is such a shame... terrible for anyone to lose everything, but this place was really cool... it was an old barn, that had been converted into a house, and it was quite the showplace... no one was home, furnace caught fire. actually, the regular carrier on this route is the fire chief... it wasn't exactly the way he planned to spend his day off.... he's going back there now to try to get the equipment back in service, most of the trucks froze up over the course of the day.

when I got home, the thermometer read 8 degrees, but it was so windy... it was brutal. I went to check on the gang, and I lost one of the sheets of flexopane, it was flapping wildly and very windy inside. so I made a quick fix with a tarp, and brought everyone some fresh water and some hot oatmeal. I had 3 eggs, 2 frozen solid and cracked, and one, freshly laid and very warm.

already done lots of other chores too, cleaned the chicks crates, vacuumed, mopped the kitchen floor... just have to make my supper and figure out how to get the dog to pee without freezing solid!
Thanks,You can just call me Zak
I am considering becoming a rouge BR breeder. Breed for evil tendencies. Molty birds are a plus. When breeding is perfected the result would be a bird that could lay a egg with perfect timing while flying over a targeted car, house. or person. Birds would also be able to consume their own weight in flowers and vegetable garden plants, fruits, ect. Have a special technology unit for hacking accounts, stealing identities, and demanding PIE as ransom. "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheep" Interested is your thoughts on this one.

hehehehe! I would say you have the prime evil seed already
just have to find the proper father gene to carry on the evilness'es!
Okee Dokee. I called the bank, and they said they knew about the charge.
They are sending me a form to fill out, and may have already sent one. It has been a month. What took them so long?
I had one egg in the nest thismorning, and one in the poop around one. I was thinking it was going to be a bad egg day, but was hoping for more.
I went out about an hour ago, and chuckled as I walked to the coop. I was telling God (in a wishful childish voice in my head) I wanted ten more eggs in the coop. God is now laughing at me. There were nine more. That means 11 for the day, which is great. But I wanted ten! So God is laughing because I can't exactly complain about one egg. Especially when I was so sure I was going to have a bad egg day. It does make me wonder if I will have another egg if I go out now. Not typical, but you know how God likes to mess with us sometimes.
On another note, I left the back door open for a few hours (
) and when I was bathing the dog, I discovered a poopy butt. Oh yeay. All in all a decent day.
How is everyone else doing?
Okee Dokee. I called the bank, and they said they knew about the charge.
They are sending me a form to fill out, and may have already sent one. It has been a month. What took them so long?
I had one egg in the nest thismorning, and one in the poop around one. I was thinking it was going to be a bad egg day, but was hoping for more.
I went out about an hour ago, and chuckled as I walked to the coop. I was telling God (in a wishful childish voice in my head) I wanted ten more eggs in the coop. God is now laughing at me. There were nine more. That means 11 for the day, which is great. But I wanted ten! So God is laughing because I can't exactly complain about one egg. Especially when I was so sure I was going to have a bad egg day. It does make me wonder if I will have another egg if I go out now. Not typical, but you know how God likes to mess with us sometimes.
On another note, I left the back door open for a few hours (
) and when I was bathing the dog, I discovered a poopy butt. Oh yeay. All in all a decent day.
How is everyone else doing?

MC... thats cool on the eggs! sounds like the rest of the days been a bummer. Doing good here but -0- eggs today.
four eggs today, 3 from the dome, 1 from Peach. her aprons came today, they are pretty darn cute... not sure how effective they will be... I may keep her inside a bit longer to heal... she's looking so good, and she's frankly delighted to be a house chicken, ruling the to speak! she dominates everyone and thankfully, no one minds. I can imagine feathers everywhere and frantic squaking and flapping... it's a bit messy to let her roam, so she's confined more often than not.

ZH... Zak... ZH is easier, Zak for me often comes out Zqk... can't type Brian without typing brain and vice versa so.... get used to Zqk if you insist
(I'm kidding, I'll call you Zak, and fix my typos when I notice them

animallover, I meant to say I wish you continued good luck with treating this funky aneurism. I have one in my neck, noticed it when I was blowing my hair dry when I was 14. it's in a vein, nothing to worry about... quite common in fact... but I've had several MRI's, and they are a breeze. a little noisy, but it's "white noise", if I close my eyes, I can fall asleep in an mri... even the "jackhammer" banging isn't unsettling. you will be just fine.

ACW, we are missing you so much, hope you are well!
I am considering becoming a rouge BR breeder. Breed for evil tendencies. Molty birds are a plus. When breeding is perfected the result would be a bird that could lay a egg with perfect timing while flying over a targeted car, house. or person. Birds would also be able to consume their own weight in flowers and vegetable garden plants, fruits, ect. Have a special technology unit for hacking accounts, stealing identities, and demanding PIE as ransom. "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheep" Interested is your thoughts on this one.

Don't forget superior scratching ability for speedy destruction of gardens, lawns, and automobile paint! Bwaahahaha! And a rouge BR rooster could keep a particular person awake all night! Oooo, this sounds good. You going to sell chicks to the rest of us? I know someone with an incessantly barking dog.....

Gee OK, you got a beef with anyone in particular or just planning ahead? Good scouts are always prepared!
I just offered 2 dozen fertile eggs to a local person. The idea of my eggs hatching, and my babies being born ... It is enough to make me cry! I can't believe it is going to happen! I hope they have a good hatch.

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