Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

my girls and I thank you all for the compliments... I, for one, absolutely am enthralled with what they produce...
the egg at 7 O'Clock is BR Betty's cream egg, the other... ??? but I do know that EE Penny and EE Stella lay the color at 12 O'Clock. the smaller blue/green egg in the middle is Peach's. and the large blue egg at 9:30 is EE Isis... with the EE's, some of my black and white girls lay blue/green, some lay cream. the orange-y girls lay the green, I still don't have them all nailed down, but most...
Hope everyone is doing well. I have been busy busy busy! All 33 (32 since 2 are bantams, and count as 1/2) are in the re-modeled big coop. It has 2 runs now, and the big door that was a pop door and people door has been replaced. Now it has a small chicken sized entrance. It has been great with this rain. Little to no rain gets in, and with the temps so cold, the coop stays warmer with less wind blowing in. I also replaced the sand with pine bedding. FYI, sand is HEAVY!!!
I tore up the kitchen carpet this past week, and re-did the kitchen. I even moved a counter! Anyone know what kind of worm is tiny and black? I have had 2 in the bathroom (one was climbing on the wall!) and one by the coffee pot, but found way too many when tearing the carpet up. MIL said she has them too. Any ideas?
I have been getting 7 eggs daily, with 8 today. That has been the past week. IDK if it is weather or stress from all the changes. They went from their various coops to the garden, to all in one coop. No fights though! With a very dominant rooster (BCM) going in with 2 gutsy (but not great husbands) roosters, I was expecting a scuffle for top rooster. Apparently the 2 runs (and 30 girls must have helped) made it okay.
A lot of funny stuff going on. The BCM isn't used to me being in the coop with him, he was sidestepping away from me anytime I was in the way of the big run. Today he seemed okay. The pop door has become a great place to roost during the day (i even had 2 girls sleeping in the other door the first night). And the BCM had his girls in the big run, while the other 30 chickens were squeezing into the small run. It had the fresh grass and sand. Apparently Moron was keeping his girls where he felt they were safe.
Again, today that changed. Everyone is mingling with each other and Moron is chilling out.

I love my kitchen!
Cheeka, the eggs are beautiful! I can't wait til I am getting some again... although we are getting a few from the candy bar girls!

MC, the kitchen looks AMAZING! and I have some coop envy going one!

I have decided to trade the 2 old girls (BLR Wyandottes) for another EE girl from the same lady that the first 3 came from. They really aren't settling into my flock well, and I am hoping they do better with hers. They stayed in or near the coop most of the day today while everyone else roamed the whole yard. We are going to go tomorrow to get some supplies for the run! I also got some amazing news today!!!!! Hubby is going to let me have the new building that he just built in the spring when he can have a bigger one brought in! I am excited, and have already been making plans about what I am going to do to convert it into a new coop with an attached feed room! Hubby also was busy this morning and built me another pipe feeder! I am hoping that this will help reduce the amount of feed that is being wasted!
Wow MC! you have been more than Busy! the new coop looks fabulous and cozy, so wonderful that everyone is mingling and happy!
Your kitchen is gorgeous! what a ton of work you did! ahhh, how nice it will be to stroll in the kitchen every morning to start the day, such a bright and cheery space! as for those worms... could be carpet beetle larvae/pupae? there are something like 500-700 varieties of carpet beetle, and they do come in black.

lindz, bummer that the BLR Wyandottes aren't settling long have you had them now? my Cochin girls are so shy, they do not come out of their pen during free range unless I chase them out, then they make a circuit around the pen and try to go back in. they are getting a bit more confident as the days pass, but they do not mix with the rest of the flock, just Peach and her youngest chicks. I don't mind for now, but in another 2 months or so, when the snow flies, they will get tossed into the dome... they are so big (all fluff...) it should be fine, but I'll keep an eye on them and can put them in the garage if necessary, just hoping it's not...
Wow MC! you have been more than Busy! the new coop looks fabulous and cozy, so wonderful that everyone is mingling and happy!
Your kitchen is gorgeous! what a ton of work you did! ahhh, how nice it will be to stroll in the kitchen every morning to start the day, such a bright and cheery space! as for those worms... could be carpet beetle larvae/pupae? there are something like 500-700 varieties of carpet beetle, and they do come in black.

lindz, bummer that the BLR Wyandottes aren't settling long have you had them now? my Cochin girls are so shy, they do not come out of their pen during free range unless I chase them out, then they make a circuit around the pen and try to go back in. they are getting a bit more confident as the days pass, but they do not mix with the rest of the flock, just Peach and her youngest chicks. I don't mind for now, but in another 2 months or so, when the snow flies, they will get tossed into the dome... they are so big (all fluff...) it should be fine, but I'll keep an eye on them and can put them in the garage if necessary, just hoping it's not...

Cheeka, they have been here about 2 months... it wouldn't be bad except that they pick on everyone. And I haven't gotten the first egg from them.
SBMom ~ Beware the Barred Rock Broody!
although OK's little RK did a stupendous job and has a little army of her own now... Peachy will venture over to the main flock for millet seeds, she's much safer now that her grown chicks are not only part of that flock, but in the upper echelon already! Speaking of those grown chicks... I got another itty bitty brown egg today!

Angelicisi, thanks!
Meet Snickers! I took the BLRW girls this morning and picked this beautiful girl up! This is on our way home, so please excuse the mess! LOL. I will get better pictures when I get her home and settled!

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