Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

The coop was very different this morning! Rogue was crowing at 4:30, and didn't stop til about 8. When I was letting them out was very peaceful rather than chaotic like it had been with the BLRWs. I think this was definitely a good trade for my flock. I am going to wait a few more weeks and start letting the candy bar girls out with everyone.
ROGER, LITTLE ROGER........and all the rest. Laid Eggs Today For A All Time Best......SEVEN
SEVEN........Today We Laid SEVEN Eggs. (Little BO and R K Broody Are On Excused Absence So Not Counted)
Thank you for the compliments. I needed the affirmation.

OK, glad you are getting good egg numbers. Give me your address, my husband is in KY until morning with a 53 foot refrigerator/freezer. He can steal get some venison off you.
Anyone else already tired of the cold temps? I never did get the heater ready for the waterer. So we know what I will be doing tomorrow!
I am up to about 8 eggs/day (7 last week) and I got a new customer yesterday. I will also be selling to the hunters next door. They hunt everything (even squirrel) and are older, so they also hunt during the special senior season. I have to be careful with the chickens, though. They are dog trainers, and the hunting dogs occasionally run onto my property. Very rare, but it only takes once.
I got 7 Eggs yesterday, but the biggest surprise was finding the long missed, extra large, olive green., torpedo shaped egg that so distinctively belongs to Blu! has to be over 2 months since she's laid. and I got another tiny brown egg.

my younger brother called me yesterday, it was a nice chat. since he moved back home to CO, we don't talk as often as we used to... but eh... it's cool. anyway, he crabbed at me for having only chicken posts on my fb page. wanted to see the dogs... I got some really cute close up pics of the 2 playing and having kisses.

Glad everyone seems to be getting eggs! I didn't get any yesterday, and only one the day before!

VERY CUTE PICS CHEEKA!!!!! I wish my dogs got along that well! My Yorkie thinks he can be big and bad with my Dane.... at 8 lbs vs 130 lbs, it never goes in his favor! My dane is great and never instigates but the yorkie keeps pushing him til he snaps! The yorkie has had a broken shoulder and 2 holes in the top of his head on 2 different occasions because he jumps on the dane....
You would think that he would learn, but he hasn't!
I should have had 9, but 1 must have been a soft shell, the only evidence was yolk on the shells of other eggs... but I got yet another tiny brown egg and Peach laid today. it was super cloudy this morning, and rain was predicted, so the boys were denied free range. at 3:30, it all suddenly cleared up - bright skies, chilly breeze, but lovely autumn day. I let the Cochins and Peach n family stay out a little longer after putting the others up at 4:45. 45 minutes of undisturbed dust bathing and foraging. most of the main flock finally noticed them today... and gave them a little bit of a run around. no contact, just running... I want to move them into the dome by the beginning of December, best they get to know each other sooner. they are really quite timid.
SIX ........Today We Laid SIX Eggs.......Everybody But ...............................................................................................................................................................................ROGER
LITTLE ROGER is turning out to be a great little hen. Gets right in there and works like the big girls. Still laying little pullet eggs but she is nothing like her mom ..I mean ....HER

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