Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I put together an album for Gil, the bantam Marans who is hatchmate to Sam, and his subordinate...Gil developed a lot slower and is only now starting to vocalize. it's not a crow. yet. they are 18 weeks old! Sillie Silkie is 14 weeks, and looking gorgeous, and very much more pullet-like than ever!
so for W4W and anyone else not on FB... here's my boy!

My 15 wk old BC maran roo is just starting to try to crow. Cept..its worthless, lol. He sounds like someone's clown horn has bad laryngitis.

And I got the big! one single egg today :( I didn't check the horse barn, so I am hoping tomorrow morning there is one in there :( I've never had a no egg day.....this chicken momma is very sad.
, really funny! love the cow on the hood... have to share that one...

2 Eggs for me today.

ETA, shared them both... too good to not pass around
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Well week 21, no eggs but one pullet is sqatting to a rooster.... With the days getting shorter and colder not sure it's going to happen before the days start extending!

On post 3000 and something! So lots of reading to do while I wait! cheeka what kind of roo is your roo in the picture?
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It's getting colder, animals will be looking for places to get warm, before staring your engine, be sure and check for cows on the hood!

Had cows in the garden, in the tool shed, and at the neighbor's, but never one on the bimmer!

And oddly, I still want more!

We got one each, egg and egglet, yesterday.

Today's count is a whopping ONE so far.

Hope all of you in the east stay warm in the stormy weather!
Cheeka, lovey pictures. Gil has grown up into a handsome young man cockerel.

Does anyone else besides me ever think of their chickens as people?

I do.

I should have lots of fodder for the thread titled Things you never said til you had chickens... but most of the things I say, I forget and can't remember... for instance, I have referred to the chickens as people, but can't remember the context... but have corrected myself with a "sheesh... not people, chickens"

and thanks, I think Gil is super. the only one I don't have 2 of is the Buff Cochin Henry. Hoping to get his mate in the Spring when I put him with Peach... he can hang with his Son...

it's snowing. we got about 2-3 inches overnight, and it flurried most of the morning, but it's really coming down now. I need to get myself moving on a warm fruit and oatmeal Pie and take some pics!
love that cow I am going to share that on facebook, we have been doing good with getting eggs, went from 5 fri, 4 sat, 12 sun, 11 mon and 13 today now we have to wait all our babies will come of age as of this fri, is egg due day for the last group have 29 hens rir and sexlicks.
I am going to be innocent, and not tell you that a sexlink .... Okay. Not gonna say anything.

Four eggs today. I did a little sledding.

Not this kind. Though I did enjoy some Whiskey Sours today.

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