Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

W4W - You're indoor birds are beautiful!

I love peacocks andn would love one but know nothing about them... Wait I know nothing about chickens and I have 10 of them.

Congrats Vindi on the egg!

What do any of us really know about chickens? Even giving them pie is not a given because they may fling it at us if they don't like it!
Snowstorm and Roger is half naked and won't go inside the coop.
I finally let the girls out around noon after deciding we would not get as much rain/snow/slush as they said. First thing they did was jump in the puddles!
nice Eggy Vindi!

the storm hasn't hit here yet, was supposed to start around 4ish... I only got 1 egg from the Fosters, and 2 from the dome. but we're battened down and ready! I wouldn't let anyone out when I got home, there was maybe only 20 minutes of light left... and I just wasn't up to mookin' around. the mail was 2.5 hours late today. I'm pooped.
isn't it funny how they seem to run from the camera during a molt? poor nekkid Roger... I think it's just her bid for the broody pen... she's jealous of her Broody Mama sister...
My survival depends on my scratch consumption. Therefore I will probably be frozen solid as a rock in the morning. And it will be all your fault

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