Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I put my 5 week old chicks in with my 1 year old hens in the same coop am I crazy everything ive read says to keep them seperate but after a week I have not had any problems I jst didnt have the time money or room to build a grow coop and they were stinking up my house in the brooder

You know, sometimes I think the mountains of information we have at our fingertips prevents us from trying things for ourselves. You never know what might work. I do appreciate the warnings and learning from others experiences, but it seems that what works for some becomes a Rule. Glad this worked for you because I can completely sympathize with a stinky chicken cage (mine is in the garage, but still
). What breed are your older hens?
oh boy I am going to get killed, yesterday at tractor supply got 6 black sex lick peeps 1 wk old, tonight went to action got 12 rir 5 wks , 11 rir 2wks and 1 odd peep plus we already have 28 hens and 2 roos. told hubby he has to fix something for the 5 wk ones, he said may just fix screen house up for now, I told him but all you have to do is put wall back up in coop, he said he will do something tomorrow when I go for my pt. we got 22 eggs today. no easter egg yet

Wow, you're going to have to get another camper coop! Hubby needs another good project, doesn't he?
Howdy!  :frow   You know, sometimes I think the mountains of information we have at our fingertips prevents us from trying things for ourselves.  You never know what might work.  I do appreciate the warnings and learning from others experiences, but it seems that what works for some becomes a Rule.  Glad this worked for you because I can completely sympathize with a stinky chicken cage (mine is in the garage, but still :sick ).  What breed are your older hens? 
Howdy!  :frow   You know, sometimes I think the mountains of information we have at our fingertips prevents us from trying things for ourselves.  You never know what might work.  I do appreciate the warnings and learning from others experiences, but it seems that what works for some becomes a Rule.  Glad this worked for you because I can completely sympathize with a stinky chicken cage (mine is in the garage, but still :sick ).  What breed are your older hens? 

the only problem I have had is my older hens are scared of my chicks and the bantam sleeps in the nesting box to get away from them im hoping she gets over this
I have one light brama and a white crested polish bantam and I just added 2 gold sex links one egyption faymou and an arucana

These guys look like buddies.
I have heard good things about the temperaments of these two breeds, but have never had any. My gold sex link is very sweet and friendly. I would love to see your Egyptian Faymou, they are so cool looking. Is your Araucana rumpless? Where did you get the chicks? Couple of exotic types there!
the only problem I have had is my older hens are scared of my chicks and the bantam sleeps in the nesting box to get away from them im hoping she gets over this
They'll get over it. Hopefully none of the young ones will be tyrants like my Leghorn. She is a food obsessed bully. She even mounts some of the other hens to prove her brutish superiority. I think she's a bit crazy.

You know all the food belongs to me. And stop calling me crazy!
You made me cry.
Thank you! Thank you so much for doing this!

mortie, your babies will be fine. they've got some feathers now, they can really handle some lower temperatures... I promise.

W4W, adding just one hen is tough. give it a try. or help her troubleshoot the housing at the neighbors so she can't escape...

I finished the day with 22 Eggs. it was really nice out, but still drops to mid 20's overnight. I still took a lot of the winter wrappings off the pens. they'll be fine. this should be the last week of below freezing overnights (at least I hope so!!)

oh boy I am going to get killed, yesterday at tractor supply got 6 black sex lick peeps 1 wk old, tonight went to action got 12 rir 5 wks , 11 rir 2wks and 1 odd peep plus we already have 28 hens and 2 roos. told hubby he has to fix something for the 5 wk ones, he said may just fix screen house up for now, I told him but all you have to do is put wall back up in coop, he said he will do something tomorrow when I go for my pt. we got 22 eggs today. no easter egg yet

22 seems to be today's lucky number! A few days ago I had a good egg day, but I wasn't sure it was all from that day. I may have collected too early the previous day. Today I am sure! And the number is better!! 22 eggs! The only 2 I didn't get an egg from are a Leghorn and (it looks like) a Marans.
Blane Chick
and to the thread! love the pic of your older 2 - they will adjust to their new mates, it's super that you were able to integrate them so easily, another few days to a week and they'll have their order established!

gilcamp - I'm so envious! I want hundreds of the feathered bitties!

feel better soon!!!

MC & SBMom - Congrats on the super #'s!! I can't wait to have a new record set here, could be tomorrow... yesterday was a high day, I expect less today, and hope for more like 25 or better for Friday...

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