Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Question... Can I give shrimp tails to the girls?
BTW.... 3 eggs yesterday. Maxed out. Company is leaving. Whew... That was hard for me. Love it when they get here... Love it when they leave.
Well, you can give them just about anything, but that doesn't mean they'll eat it!
Seriously, they'll probably gulp it down. Maybe chop the tails into smaller pieces? If their gizzards can grind up grass and sunflower seeds/shells, they should be able to handle a little chitin, although I don't know if there's any nutrition in chitin.

I think there's something wrong with my POL pullet.

Uh oh. What are her symptoms?

Caught up on the posts! It does sound like she's laying! They get kind of zombie-like and she'll stand up when the egg is on it's way out.
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So only 3 eggs yesterday but my suspicion was confirmed. When walking outta the house for work this am my eye just happened to glance to the left where under the bushes was a nest holding at least 8 eggs!!!! I think it's one if the new layers!!!

Oh the joys of a free range flock!!!!

I'll snag the eggs and toss them (well mayb back to the girls) and then check daily! I don't want to disturb them cause who knows where they'll move too!! LOL!!
How old is she? I'm so jealous. I considered just cheating and buying a hen that is laying but aside from integration issues, what would likely happen is it would take her a month to get back to laying and by then my girls would be laying (at least one of them and that's all it will take for me to calm down) so it won't matter lol.
How old is she?  I'm so jealous.  I considered just cheating and buying a hen that is laying but aside from integration issues, what would likely happen is it would take her a month to get back to laying and by then my girls would be laying (at least one of them and that's all it will take for me to calm down) so it won't matter lol.
she'll be 18 weeks saturday, and Thursday will be two weeks since she first sqiatted.

She was faking me out. She did her egg song twice this afternoon. I believe she's claiming that she laid the fake egg.
I just took mine out for a stroll and it turns out shadow was fake squatting yesterday, likely because she wanted to run away but didn't feel like she had anywhere to go. Oh well. she was one of the last I would expect that from anyway.
I heard a cackle I've never heard before, so ran outside thinking it was her eggs song. She's been very restless, jumped up on the back if my chair, just cackling and wandering around aimlessly.
Now she's been holed up in there for about 15-20 minutes.

She's sitting on a fake egg...kind of in a trance lol
How fun! And how cute! My littles are still 8-12 or more weeks from POL and I can hardly wait! My hubby wants to go away for the weekend in September....I told him we could if the babies start laying before then. He laughed, he thought I was joking. Now I was really only half serious, but I KNIW that if I go away for a weekend, that is when they will lay.
well she is dang close subhanalah! seriously, any minute now. and for the very first it's often so unexpected, it pops out least she's trying to lay it in the nest, she just doesn't know exactly when it's coming!
well she is dang close subhanalah!  seriously, any minute now.  and for the very first it's often so unexpected, it pops out least she's trying to lay it in the nest, she just doesn't know exactly when it's coming!
I am so thankful for that! And here I thought keeping them in the coop til 12 or 1 would prevent her from laying in the yard. She didn't do her first egg song til after I let them out!
She's also my favorite chicken, she seemed to settle down once I came out here and sat with her. I think she's confused lol and needed some moral support!
It's funny but I'm sitting her nervous and anxious waiting on subhanalah's hen to lay!!! I guess I really do have a bad case of chicken fever lol!

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