Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

And by the time I had finished writing that, Mags had laid her egg.  I can tell which is hers because she walked all over the other two, getting them pretty poopy and I have a laser thermometer and even though I couldn't feel a difference in temp, the cleaner egg was 10 degrees warmer than the other two.  So her egg is the pink one.
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Mortie, I know you say not to worry about issues I don't have yet, but what else have I got to worry about?

Still no eggs! At least they are fun to watch. And doesn't everyone hand feed grapes?
I'm just saying lol.

You'll find I am a complainer. I like to whine about things that I know the answer to, can't control, or don't expect a solution's just my way.

I love these ladies. They've put up with so much from me. Go back to last feb/march and then to june/july if you want to see some real freaking out lol.
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I gave the girls some ashes from the fireplace the other day. They were terrified of the pile of ash at first. Today, they're all rolling around in it like pigs in mud. I went outside and a bunch of them came running and when they got close they stopped and fluffed up and shook - the snow around them turned black! Way to go, girls!

Phoenix our easter egger layed her first egg today! It's a light shade of pink.
And then this guy showed up.
heard my brave Lil silkie tucked safely in his coop screaming his head off. I was next door, inside and heard him, so I ran over... he was eating the food for the free range roosters.. He even ate out of my wife's hand. We hoped we had a new duck, we even filled up a Lil pool for him. But he flew away after he got full.
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My girls had been laying between 1-3 eggs a day and have now started to lay between 4-6 a day.

Mortie, Know what you mean about the poopy or dirty eggs. It has rained a lot here and the girls usually lay in the same box and I have had my fair share of dirt or poop on the eggs. Hasn't rained since Sunday, so the eggs have been pretty clean.

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