Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

W4W, I've never seen the color of these chicks either, that's why I picked them. a few do have 5 toes, figuring Silkie... all have dark legs, feathered shanks on all too I think... I should have inspected them more closely before giving them to Gossamer, but I didn't... I had her in my heart the whole time... and then missed a great opportunity to actually look at them...
MC - I HATE it when something I am really stoked for doesn't turn out like I was expecting. Hope your next batch turns out better.

Today was the girls' birthday! This day last year the little brats hatched and made me into a full fledged chicken keeper. Aside from the one that vanished during the first free range, I"ve had no losses at all. I'm pretty happy :)

I had an exhausting weekend.
My phone was having major issues earlier, and posting was difficult.
So in response to the pb egg comments:
I usually drizzle extra chocolate on the eggs. I don't care for big globs of chocolate. I was allergic for quite a while. Now I'm picky.
In Pennsylvania, we have Gardner's Candies. People go crazy for their peanut butter meltaways. These eggs are just as good. I use Jif pb. You can try Reese's and see if it compares to their peanut butter eggs.
My favorite thing about the eggs is that they are made with stuff I already have, and they really aren't time consuming.

This is my First Hen Sookie. I have no idea what type she i bur she is very tame...she took 8 full months to lay her first egg after I rescued her as a pullet...she is as tame as a puppy and lays me 5-6 DARK brown eggs a week now.
I agree about Sookie looking like a Welsummer. Her comb is pretty crazy, though!

My Wellie was a rescue of sorts. Saw her at the feed store in the brooder reserved for weak chicks that were not expected to survive, so I took her. It was a full two weeks before I felt she would make it. This is Grace. She's not at all friendly, though, especially if I have the camera.

Do you have other chickens?
Sookiei's comb had been cut off when I found her...the wound was still sore and oozing...used neosporin on her and it took a long time for her comb to grow back...I have NO idea why someone would cut off the combs of a poor chicken anymore than crop dogs tails or ears...seems so mean...more pics to follow.

I had given up on her ever laying an egg and had accepted that she must be a non crowing rooster and was referring to her as my Transgender Pet chicken day she layed her first egg and proved me wrong.
Yes I have 7 more now...will post more pics when I figure out how to get them off my phone is a younger pullet so I don't expect eggs for a bit the others were underfed and rangy...went to buy 2 and guy gave me all mites no worms symptoms and vents look pink and moist on all but 2....we will see if they lay after they settle in....they are taming down well and will be my pets even if they only lay an occasional egg.
Yes I have 7 more now...will post more pics when I figure out how to get them off my phone is a younger pullet so I don't expect eggs for a bit the others were underfed and rangy...went to buy 2 and guy gave me all mites no worms symptoms and vents look pink and moist on all but 2....we will see if they lay after they settle in....they are taming down well and will be my pets even if they only lay an occasional egg. is great!
That is great to hear that your rescue chickens are doing well! Chickens are great :) Duh!!

If you can get the internet on your phone, you can post from your phone itself. Just click on the button that looks like a couple of mountain peaks in a square at the top of the reply box. Then it will say "Embed an Image" and you choose "Upload from my device." At least that is what my phone says. I hope that was helpful...
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my smart phone is a hand me down and only gets limited I have to attach a cable and transfer my oics to the computer to upload....LOL daughter is looking for the cable for me to do so :)

The first pic is Ginger...she is bright red with very yellow legs
the second pic is Heather
the third pic is Lafayette the barred rock and Arlene she has only 1 eye
the 4th pic is Pam she is all white with "puffs on her cheeks like heather has...and the twins Tara and Jessica.
Sookie you have already seen
they are my "True Blood Flock"

this pic is me with thy first four eggs...Only Sookie is laying at this time

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