Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Hi Guys. One of my chickens has strated laying (which I shared previously) and she laid 5 eggs in 6 days. After the fifth egg, she stopped laying but I checked her vent the other day and I felt that there is an egg in there. Since it did not lay that day I assumed that she was reserving it for the next day. However, she did not lay yesterday and today. Is it possible for a chicken to hold off her egg for three days or so? She is acting normal. She eats, drinks and make that "Hen Noise". She has been laying outside the nesting box consistently and I've been picking the eggs and putting it inside the nesting box hoping she lerans where to lay. What could've caused her not laying for 3 days?
Thank MC. It's summer here so the weather is extremely hot. To the extent that the water coming from the faucet can be used to make a coffee lol. I will bathe her tomorrow and see if she'll be able to lay it out. Thanks for the advise.
The hardest part is putting in the fence posts!
Around here you dig up more rocks than dirt. I want to put a nicer fence up for the chicken yard. Maybe I can hire youngster with a strong back to dig the holes. I can do the pallet part!

it's so cold. and I'm so over it. but it's supposed to be almost 30 degrees warmer tomorrow

I've got a friend on the route who believes no leftover should be wasted and gave me a half eaten sandwich to give to the babies.

she's not grown into her wings... and at the rate the wings are growing... she may never catch up...

Esther got up to eat, even though she didn't have to. bet I find the bit of ham tucked in with her eggs in the morning...

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