Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

All my pullets are laying now!

The eggs are a brighter blue/green that doesn't seem to show up well on my camera. Oh, well.

I've already gifted a few eggs to family and friends. I love seeing them in awe at seeing colorful eggs. As one of my friends said, "That's amazing! I had no idea a chicken could lay a blue egg!"
kdolly, congrats on the new egg! Did Bonnie get some pie?

cheeka, Interloper looks content enough, and the fact that he is calm enough to eat while inside a cage really makes me think he has had previous interactions with people. He is so pretty. Good to think that he will be living wild and passing on his love-genes.
Ya done good, girl! Your neighbor is such a crackpot
, but you deal with her perfectly, taking the high road. It makes her malicious stupidity all that much more obvious. So obvious in fact, that she might even begin to notice it herself! Kill 'em with kindness!
Even though you really want to

he was on his way elsewhere when I heard from Wes, and he asked me to pen him if I could. he was certain that it was his turkey... and it is... but anyway, he was leaving. the temperature broke, it was raining and in the 50's. I found him, a few fields up... maybe 15 acres walk back. but he came with me... I felt so bad. but he'll be attacked by a coyote, or walk up to a hunter (citiot's... they'll shoot him)

Congratulations on your new granddaughter!! Love the name Lily.

it's official! Lily Robin. and she's beautiful. sweet little puffy eyes and wonderful lips. big cheeks. can't wait to meet her...

Enjoy your new-old car, and bless your mechanic! Hope you have recovered from your one bite of food. That's a terrible thing.

car ran great but it has the most uncomfortable seat ever built. seriously. BMW's are tanks, and the seat is proof. awful.
been taking antihistamine's daily. been feeling good for a few days, but for some reason, I can no longer eat processed sugar. fruit is fine, but ice cream or candy... and I'm a raging itch factory!

Countdown to house guest! I have three days to get my mess in order.
Which is why I'm spending so much time playing with smileys!

Virtual chores are much more fun!

Been laid up with my crummy back for a while, so hope it can withstand some strenuous activity. (If I ever get started!!!

I hope you feel better soon! I love your smiley's

My poor Leghorn, Biscuit, is fading. She's still with the flock, eating and getting around, but is really slowing down. I think she has internal laying. Her legs are set much wider now and she is a lot heavier, comb is very floppy and darkish. I think it's time. sniff
for you and for Biscuit. I'm so sorry.

All my pullets are laying now!

The eggs are a brighter blue/green that doesn't seem to show up well on my camera. Oh, well.

I've already gifted a few eggs to family and friends. I love seeing them in awe at seeing colorful eggs. As one of my friends said, "That's amazing! I had no idea a chicken could lay a blue egg!"
such a beautiful photo! the eggs are lovely, and the color will be different in all the different kinds of light. they are reflective, so shade is best. are you using a camera camera, or a phone? can you adjust your exposure at all?

as for Mrs. Nosy. she won't ever learn. she practically knocked the 2nd volunteer on her behind to grab the kennel. she is pure evil. and brainless. very dangerous combination.
kdolly, congrats on the new egg! Did Bonnie get some pie? ;) cheeka, Interloper looks content enough, and the fact that he is calm enough to eat while inside a cage really makes me think he has had previous interactions with people. He is so pretty. Good to think that he will be living wild and passing on his love-genes. :D Ya done good, girl! Your neighbor is such a crackpot
, but you deal with her perfectly, taking the high road. It makes her malicious stupidity all that much more obvious. So obvious in fact, that she might even begin to notice it herself! Kill 'em with kindness! :old Even though you really want to
. [COLOR=EE82EE]Congratulations on your new granddaughter!! [/COLOR] Love the name Lily.
Enjoy your new-old car, and bless your mechanic! Hope you have recovered from your one bite of food. That's a terrible thing. :hugs Countdown to house guest! I have three days to get my mess in order.
Which is why I'm spending so much time playing with smileys!
Virtual chores are much more fun! Been laid up with my crummy back for a while, so hope it can withstand some strenuous activity. (If I ever get started!!! :D ) My poor Leghorn, Biscuit, is fading. She's still with the flock, eating and getting around, but is really slowing down. I think she has internal laying. Her legs are set much wider now and she is a lot heavier, comb is very floppy and darkish. I think it's time. sniff
HAHAHA!!! She got lots of cuddles!
aww kdolly, what a precious speckled beauty! congratulations!! so, lots of drama up here tonight. all down to Mrs.Nosy and her nonstop calls and threats. but she cut her own case down when she told the Rescue place and the authorities that she had been feeding him. how nice of you to lure him on your property only to turn around and complain. seriously, this woman is a complete crackpot. so... his turkey is not there. his turkey has to be Interloper. he asked me to pen him if possible to keep him safe from coyotes in the event that he declined roosting in the maple, or somewhere I could see him. I moved Gossy and her pretty well grown babies into the dome and it went as smooth as silk. Interloper is now in the 8x8x4, (5' with the peaked tarp roof) pen... I took the kennel out, gave him maximum space. it's not really big enough, but since it's only for less than 1 day, he's okay. and once inside... he started eating the spilled food the chicks left behind. the guy will be here by 4ish... I don't even have a log for him to roost on. I feel bad about that... on a brighter note - my newest Granddaughter was born this morning! only 2.5 hours labor, bless her heart! named Lily, she weighed 8 lbs 11 ounces! Mom is blissfully happy! and... my new to me car is actually fixed and ready. mechanic will pick me up super early in the morning so I can give him a ride back in time for the start of his day! bedtime for this bonzo! g'nite**
Thank you! So sorry you're having turkey drama :( he sure is a beautiful boy!

today was the original hatch date for the eggs that Esther quit on. I'll candle tomorrow if there are no peeps or pips. obviously, Gretel is doing just fine... nom nom nom!

as soon as Interloper was driven away, the wind stopped, the last of the clouds blown away... we had a grand time celebrating the return of life as we know it!
hey all... didn't candle the eggs, still could now, but I'm so beat, it can wait another day.

Mylee and her Oma are somewhere in Tennessee, doing just great until Mylee spotted a huge spider in the hotel room's bathroom... lol

I've got to work extra for at least the first week they are here. life can turn on a dime... a colleague's 19 year old son was in a terrible accident. hit a propane tank with a van. explosion was caught on film. the only part of him not burned was the soles of his feet. he will not make it, and I will give his Dad the time he needs.

on a brighter note, Mom and Lily Robin are home! seems like Jackson was just born and he's already 2. blink and he'll be heading off to college...
I got up early to candle the eggs. these two were the first I pulled out.

still wet!!

there's another golden chick in there, chipmunk pattern!

the blue egg on the right has a beak sticking out!!!

there are at least 4 out! seriously, I went in to give Gretel some breakfee and candle... and I heard the peeping!

so I called Mylee right away! she is so very excited! said she and Oma were going to hustle to get here tonight!

our babies one week old, mom showing them how to eat, there are 7, 2 yellow, 1 gold, 1 black, 1 light tan with black and white, 2 black with white and brown, they are so cute but mommie will not let them near people, she bite my daughter yesterday when she tried to hold one.

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