Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Hi everyone. We have been busy with appointments and such. Older son got his braces off, after 3 years! Just in time to get his senior pictures done! I'm down to almost no eggs per day. Lucky to get one. The Seramas are broody. Again. The big girls are getting older, days are shorter, and much molting is going on. My New Hamp just kind of exploded 2 days ago. She looked fine on Saturday, and then POOF! Coop full of feathers Sunday morning, and she's practically nekkid! At least the weather is still pretty warm here.

It is trying to rain, but not really getting anywhere. Probably because hubs and I went out in the dark and tarped the run. If we had left it uncovered, it would be pouring right now!

Beautiful pics, Cheeka. I low the tule fog. We've been getting those low layers in the morning, and it it so cool looking. Like a movie set!
Cheeka your pictures are always amazing. You are an arteest.

I'm still getting 2-4 eggs a day. It's nice because it's still a long time before I'll be adding artificial light to the coop. I am going to try to hold out til Dec 21 so almost 2 months yet. Got 2 molting right now. Shadow's feathers look really good, they always do. Midge and Hedwig look like they were attacked by a feather eating monster. Penny has been missing some feathers on her neck for a while. Hopefully she grows them back, otherwise I worry about her because stuff's about to get real here....
2 eggs this morning. So the one pullet I thought was broody, was just a nervous girl. But what's even more surprising, she doesn't have that much of a comb and wattle. If I get a chance,I'll take a picture to show.
for mortie, so she gets it.... mine started to cave in like a dome... so I put a pumpkin on top.

W4W it's a little frustrating to do, easier to build a house of cards... but it's fun to lick the extra frosting off your fingers before picking up the next corn... lol
some form of fastener has to be used. I thought about honey, but thought it might take too long to dry. icing dries quickly and mine is still standing whole, except for the one I ate, oh make that two...
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