Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

yeah that's weird MC, and I hope it's a coincidence... but like W4W said, try some tests. up to you how outlandish you want to be. you could really trip them up with some kooky ideas, then you'd know. finding a tiny bug could be impossible... I wish life was better for you. I think you should get a sound effects app. play it at odd hours. let them ask you what the weird noises are... what weird noises? no noises here... y'all must be hearing things.

W4W the signs are for all of it, the one on the left lists the lot, trespassing, hunting, fishing... the one on the right is just no trespassing. he's technically off limits for hunters as long as he stays in those woods.

ETA awesome pumpkin displays! our farm stands had some really nice variety, but the best display was at the grocery store that gets all it's local produce from this town... funny how they put more effort into it than the actual growers.
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if they were bugging your house, there'd have to be a hell of a transmitter unless they live like next door to you? Or tapped into your internet and electricity. Interesting. FWIW I often seem to have an eerie sense of ESP about some things. like when the phone rings I can often correctly guess who it is without looking...or I'll be thinking about someone and they'll text me within a minute or two...weird.
rainy day wet day.but it stopped raining before 7PM for all the little trick or treaters.
Girls stayed nestled in the winterized dry coop and scratched through everything.
We have 3 girls laying for sure. I think my lower level layer is my crossbeak girl. She can be pretty imtimadated by our Alpha Chicken. Still not sure who #2 layer is. But just enjoying the my girls.
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That's weird MC, I often have weird sense of paranoia, but that takes it to a whole new level. I agree with W4W and Cheeka, say something that would definitely cause them to take the bait, like you have won a competion to go to Peru or so-and-so has dyed their hair pink. As long as it's something bizarre enough that there's no other way they could know to ask.

If it works, but no-one will admit to bugging the house, I would contact the police, they have scanners that are able to detect the signals that come from the listening device. It's incredibly creepy to think that someone is listening in to what you are saying; not to mention illegal.

Hopefully it's nothing :)
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The police aren't "responsible" for finding it. They require I find it, and then they will "look into it".
I do live right next door, Mortie. I have a new cellphone and computer, so they aren't bugged. And I too have ESP. I can win lottery prizes quite often. Drove my husband crazy when I said a scratch off or slot machine was going to win, then walked right by. I even told him how much. I accurately see people die, so I try to ignore the curse (it scares the crap out of me! Not to mention makes me look like a nut! Oh, wait... :-D ) as much as possible.
So far, I've not heard flack for anything said in my bedroom. I do occasionally say something off in the living room. I have even said, "I know you're listening, you losers! Thanks for making me the center of your world!"
I don't use the baby monitor anymore, don't allow anything from anyone inside the house. I'm doing whatever I can. I just wish I could relax! It's bad enough my husband is being an idiot. I don't need to have his family making my life anymore miserable.
And, no. I'm not moving to NY for the winter. Tempting, but I won't put anyone through my insanity on a daily basis.
Ah, well I didn't know they lived right next door. Hmmm. Good call on the baby monitor. If there is something in your house, it has to be drawing on your electrical or they'd have to come and constantly change batteries on it. That might give you some places to look. Or you could do an internet search and just see what kind of listening devices are available which might help you to learn how one might be set up in your house.
Or maybe one of your husband's relatives has similar ESP abilities.

Setting up a hard to detect bug would not be not cheap, I think. Would anybody there really go to those lengths? Pretty soon, they'll be getting Jaz to spill all your dirt!

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