Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

LOL! Yeah, it is. I'll feed it later. Kinda sorry to lose the face. That is interesting, though! I guess it's safe to say it's "sour"dough though!
If it's too early, I'll explain. He has a sour look.
omg it's chilly! -7 when I went out this morning, 17.5 mph north winds blasting... the waterers were all frozen, but they were fine and happy to have fresh water early. knowing how cold it is... I went out just before light, most of them weren't even off the roost yet.
I'll be making a run to the far end of the next town today. I need a few supplies, some general, some for when I have my surgery and other people have to take care of the flock... 2 extra water buckets will make for at least 1 less trip for water collection - I only have 2 spare buckets, so...I make 2 trips for water. bring 2 fresh, take 2 frozen from the back pen, empty them, refill, deliver to the Dome, take their 2 frozen, empty and store...
and I am kinda thoughtless about the fact that Peri's diaper needs washing from time to time, and I don't have a spare... so I can either spend $10 on 12 disposable diapers, or $22 on 1 washable... I think the washable is the smart investment. bet Chester and Belle would have a blast ripping apart a disposable diaper...
2 weeks til Surgery. gettin' a little scared, but I saw the surgeon yesterday for pre-op and to get some additional paperwork filled out for my job, the Occupational Nurse at our District HQ is a right PITA. frankly, my diagnosis is none of her business. all she should require is a doctor's note stating I am under the care of so and so and may not return to work until.... and in my case, at the moment, it's indefinite. I have my official paperwork for the surgery, so we'll fax that off to her as well. I don't have to, but figure if I cover all bases... she has to back off. personally, she doesn't like me. for many reasons, most of which are stupid - she doesn't like that I've hardly used sick days in 10 years. she doesn't like that I have taken only 1 vacation in 10 years and that was almost 5 years ago... (I don't like that one much myself...) and last Summer... I got myself into a bit of trouble by letting my sharp tongue loose... anyway, it was a disaster, but needed, oh so needed... and she didn't want to let me back on my route because I yelled at someone, so I must be a terrible danger to myself and others. I went to the Union. it took a bit of time to get back on the job and it took even longer to fight for my lost pay, but I won every single penny. she didn't like that, so now, I guess... I have a target on my back, placed there by her.. oh well. who cares? not me... I did what she asked and she'll get what she "needs" later this morning.
You sure you didn't marry my ex??? To this day he cant help himself and has to criticize anything he didn't have a hand in building. Lmao, and we haven't lived together for 10 years!!: gig
You sure you didn't marry my ex??? To this day he cant help himself and has to criticize anything he didn't have a hand in building. Lmao, and we haven't lived together for 10 years!!: gig
We caught another one! We caught another one!

LOL! Hi, Hannah! Please join in the Pennsylvania Unite thread too You have been around several months, and need to be more active. How are people supposed to talk you into another fifty or sixty chickens/ducks/turkeys/emu/goats/quail if you are so quiet?

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