Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I particularly love the photo of Duckling in the brooder tub. what a joy!

it's warmed up to 2.8, but windchill of -12 and at times colder. all of them are showing signs of wear. thank goodness it ends tonight. we're only due to get to the 20's tomorrow, but that will still be blissful in comparison, and warmer each day as the week goes on.
they have igloos to go inside within their runs, most have chosen to huddle together in those, but a few refuse. I worry about them the most.
I kind of forgot until I got on byc!

Hope everyone
is having a nice day.

and love
and kisses
and all that mushy stuff!

The 5 chicks have been moved into the house and are happily eating and drinking and ducking under their broody heating pad. The 5th chick hatched is not black, but a dark brown that I haven't seen before. Feel bad for the hens, but they will get over losing their babies, I hope!
Still have hope for 4 more eggs to hatch. They are under the ample fluff of Bunny the Cochin.

Pictures later!
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Four of them hatched this afternoon, and a fifth one before lock up.

Can you see it??

It is a pretty chipmunk!

And another. Maybe a silkied.

Black and a little light chipmunk, maybe another silkied, but I don't know how to tell exactly.

The fifth one is another black one, but no pic yet. It was still wet and wanted to stay under mama..

There are still about 7 viable eggs that could hatch. They were laid after I let the first hens start sitting, so maybe tomorrow or the next.

Updates tomorrow!
They are very cute!
Min, it'll be fun, and I'm glad you are contributing!

hope MC and W4W are having fun with their new adorable peeps! we're starting to warm up, and it will continue to warm over the course of the night. weird. but anyway, we should be around 48 tomorrow which will be really nice, but it's going to rain...
Cheeka, idk bout you but I'll take 48 and rain over this -something and single digits any day! Here in Pa, we're getting about the same temps as you. And my crappy insulated (read not insulated at all!) house is still only 62° WITH the heat cranked to 78°!! Gave a passing thought and almost crawled into the coop with the girls but it's still just slightly warmer in the house. Just. :(

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