Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Hi ilovebunnies! Welcome, how is your girl this afternoon, any progression?

it's snowing here. won't stop til Monday night. It's a bit disappointing.
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Hi ilovebunnies! Welcome, how is your girl this afternoon, any progression?

it's snowing here. won't stop til Monday night. It's a bit disappointing.

Nice spring you're having there, cheeka. Those poor trees are probably all confused now. We have fruit on the wild plums already. At least you don't have to work. Your knee is doing okay, I hope. Stay warm!! Hugs for puppies!
She's laying in the grass outside, occasionally getting up and running around/eating, her "sister" circles her protectively when she lays down.
I am having bad luck with strawberries. Last year, I planted them in the window box and they began to grow but never produced fruit. They finally died when they didn't get watered often enough. Apparently, the sun had been drying them out too fast.
This year, they died pretty much right away.
Now, before you go attacking me for planting them too soon, everything that I have read about strawberry plants, even the container they came in said that they should have been okay. Also, they died before there was even any frost. The nights that week were in the upper 50s.
I am having bad luck with strawberries. Last year, I planted them in the window box and they began to grow but never produced fruit. They finally died when they didn't get watered often enough. Apparently, the sun had been drying them out too fast.
This year, they died pretty much right away.
Now, before you go attacking me for planting them too soon, everything that I have read about strawberry plants, even the container they came in said that they should have been okay. Also, they died before there was even any frost. The nights that week were in the upper 50s.

I grew great strawberries last year, the problem was that the local bird population thought they were great too and ate them all!
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sorry for the ahem... chicken porn, but I wanted the world to know that our plan for domination with tiny, clean legged, non-broody, hugging chickens is underway... these will be the only bantam eggs I hatch this year (W4W
sorry for the ahem... chicken porn, but I wanted the world to know that our plan for domination with tiny, clean legged, non-broody, hugging chickens is underway... these will be the only bantam eggs I hatch this year (W4W
I would love a non broody Serama too! They are all so ill tempered when they are broody, squawking and yelling at each other!! What a racket!

So who is Brutus' love interest? I can't quite see her face.
yeah, not the best shot of her... but that's Neffy. here she is just after she did the great post-mating feather ruffle...

it's the pairing I've wanted since I got her last Summer. shes' a Swedish Black bantam, of course, he's an OEGB

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