Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

You must not be spending enough time with them....bad attention is better than no attention...and they just want to see your face! Haha. After you thorouly checked for snakes (when mine did that I thought they were just mad because the broody took the favorite nest box) I found a gorgeous six foot rat snake wolfing down eggs...but it took a few days. Then they decided the poarch would be safer....they were just as loud, especially with the window open...but I kinda thought, hey it's like they are screaming - breakfast! Breakfast! Too bad yours are screaming something else though. I wonder what they are saying in chicken talk....
One of mine sometimes screams like a banshee for no apparent reason. But they do have a distinctive "THERES A ****** HAWK HERE AGAIN" call that I know.
I was going to ask you this morning if you even had a peacock, but I suddenly had company, see pic below, crowing like a loud obnoxious lil pecker!
I agree with Achickenwrangler, they want attention. and my girls will get Barney to come to the living room window when they want lovin' or treats... or both...

7 biddies, i will post of pic of her on the Things you never thought you'd say thread... ok?

Well they got attention. Cut and bagged about a half bag of grass clippings. Mixed in Oyster crackers and bird seed. Spread it around inside the run. Then took a shovel and dug them a hole in the middle of the run. They love it when you dig. They all walked by at least once and pecked me on the leg. When I looked down i'm sure they were saying "Thanks Dad your the coolest dad a chicken could have" So I thank you all for the advice and this happy ending. The screaming has stopped.
Aauww, what lucky chickens. :) I have been doing some rototilling and even the roosters are impressed with my ability to scratch some dirt. Raking it is awe inspiring too, but they get in the way a bit.
i turned the compost today, my gang went berserk over the ant eggs! the poor ants were trying to gather them and move them and KaPow! Beak Slam!
then one of em pulled out a 6" baby garter snake ~ let the follies begin! i'm hoping that if i make them feel deserving... they'll make me some eggs... (one can always hope...) my RIR's might start laying in about 2+ - 3+ weeks, followed shortly by the BR's. The EE's, i'm thinking from what i've been reading will torture me til they are 5 or 6 months old... but... for a pretty blue egg or a green one... it's worth it!
Now that peace has been restored and we are all seeing eye to eye I think good things are about to happen. Six eggs yesterday. I expect the last two that have been holding out will lay this morning and give me my first "perfect" eight egg day (one from all eight of them) I must think positive..........I must think positive........I must think....
Eight eggs a could make a chocolate torte every day, literally, death by chocolate. What will you do with all those eggs? Got a neighbor pegged to watch your chickens when you go on vacay?

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