Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

You should buy some from someone with thier own back yard flock, LOL i have 12 hens and a roo and no eggs, my older girls are molting and my younger girls should start laying any day, hopefully soon!!!!
I am on the egg watch......they are almost 26 weeks approx and still nothing, not even a shell less one the cheeky things. My Czech brindle did the egg song last Sunday so I got prematurely excited & she has not done it since so she must have just been cheesed off at something. I need eggs to make some cakes for Halloween so I guess I will be buying some. They don't even squat.....I have myself duds
If Rogers Time Was Up
And The Reaper Was On His Way
I Would Drive Her Over To Wal Mart
For Her Last And Final Day
First She Would Raid The Produce
Then Eat A Loaf Of Bread
She Wouldn't Waste A Second
Tomorrow She Would Be Dead
And For Her Final Act Of Terror
This Would Make Her Die
She Would Explode To Pieces
From Consumption Of A Pie

For some reason I think my little living terrorist chicken Roger would like this. OH....and she would take credit for all of the eggs in the store.
I am on the egg watch......they are almost 26 weeks approx and still nothing, not even a shell less one the cheeky things. My Czech brindle did the egg song last Sunday so I got prematurely excited & she has not done it since so she must have just been cheesed off at something. I need eggs to make some cakes for Halloween so I guess I will be buying some. They don't even squat.....I have myself duds
Hang in there. It will happen. We all been there. Might try making them a pie. Thanks for your reply
If Rogers Time Was Up
And The Reaper Was On His Way
I Would Drive Her Over To Wal Mart
For Her Last And Final Day
First She Would Raid The Produce
Then Eat A Loaf Of Bread
She Wouldn't Waste A Second
Tomorrow She Would Be Dead
And For Her Final Act Of Terror
This Would Make Her Die
She Would Explode To Pieces
From Consumption Of A Pie

For some reason I think my little living terrorist chicken Roger would like this. OH....and she would take credit for all of the eggs in the store.
Even the white ones!

I can just picture her flapping all over that store, perching up high on the clothes racks, scouting for the next edible conquest! The feathers would fly, the customers flee in panic! Sounds like the beginnings of a made-for-tv movie. Does Roger have an agent?
You should buy some from someone with thier own back yard flock, LOL i have 12 hens and a roo and no eggs, my older girls are molting and my younger girls should start laying any day, hopefully soon!!!!

It's hard feeding them every day and not getting any eggs in return!

Hey! I think there are a couple of dogs around here that eat on my dime and don't put out anything edible in return.
Going to have to have a serious talk with those freeloaders!
I don't have freeloaders... besides entertainment, they all have their job. the chickens... eggs... the cats hunt everything even on the neighbors land, so no one has rodent or snake problems, and the dog fills the cradle

I just got home, and am stuck inside for a few, waiting to hear back from my mom, they live in Denver and they are getting all the crazy weather/news reports, she just needs reassurance that I am ready for this, which I am!
just keeping fingers crossed for my friends in the valley... then I can go out and see the gang and get my eggs. there was a beautiful BR egg this morning, it's from late yesterday afternoon... when I put them in, Betty went right for the nest box... I want 5 more... I want that perfect day!

nice one OK! I bet Miss Roger would even take credit for the containers of egg beaters ~ and don't show her the bags of egg noodles or she'll have us convinced that she can lay those too!
Ah yes, the wonderful world of power tools. Measure twice, or thrice, then cut once. I have found that housing chickens in the living room and on the kitchen table will keep chicken coop construction moving. Chicks hoping onto the sofa to try to eat out of your plate will spur any man to build a coop. Roosts on the poarch because the coop isn't safe would have a similar effect I think. Yes, its a fine line...this thing called motivation and negotiations. Right now I have 2 pullets that (although not noticed yet) are roosting ,high up on top of a large box in a corner of the poarch, right next to the kitchen window...because I need a coop just for hens and broodies and chicks. I think its a fine spot, out of the wind and where I can hear them in case of trouble.

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