Should I buy two of these ladies?

I'm tempted to do it just because I'm so eager to start my flock... we just finished building the coop and I've been looking for hens for over a week without luck. $8 - $10 seems normal here for 2 year old hens (except for the lady who thought she could get $35 each lol). Maybe I should wait though.

I talked my husband into letting me get chicks (hooray!) on the condition that we'll get a few adult silkies first (a type he wants anyway) and let them go broody and give them the chicks to raise. I should hold out for that, but I have no patience when I'm excited!
If they are NOT laying, what do you want your flock for? There is gratification when you see an egg laid every morning for breakfast!

If you want pet chickens, handling them as chicks would make the bond better.

Anyway, if they are 2-year old hens, and they are purebred; there is probably some more egg-laying ability left; though probably not as productive as before. I understand purebreds have "decent" egg-laying ability up till 3-4 years (e.g. 1-3 eggs a week per hen sorta deal when not in molt, esp with barred rocks). It probably is not cost efficient with feed/egg ratio. I must qualify that I only "read" all these information (from books, and BYC), and summed up my impressions.
Go for it! They should have plenty of laying years left. Maybe they are in a molt now. Seems like a good price for htis part of the country. Then you can get chicks later but still have a few eggs coming in the meanwhile. Ask what they have been feeding them, check them for mites and lice, ask what their hatchdate was, see if they're friendly as they will be your first chickens.
If it were me, I'd check them out, in person, to see how old they really look. And ask when they last molted. If they look about 2 years old and in good health, they should definitely be able to lay eggs for several more years at least.
grate price they will lay in the summer id put a light up for them to shorten molting good luck!!!
They are either older than two or are sick... 2 year olds lay eggs.... 3 year olds lay eggs... Most chickens will lay fairly well until 4 or 5 with good care.
I got Oprah and Gayle from a Craigslist ad. Both barred rocks represented to me as not quite two years old. I don't think either one ever laid an egg. Gayle was re-homed for bad behavior (with full disclosure) and Oprah is on notice. I know these hens were much older than 2 and the woman selling them didn't want to feed them anymore much less put up with their bad attitudes. If you are getting your flock started this wouldn't be the way I would want it to go for you. We only have so much room, so much feed, and so much time. I'd rather see you get some lovely, young girls who will give you years of enjoyment. Of course it's up to you. My experience could have been an isolated incident but Craigslist can be a way to dump your problems on someone else. I use it, but like I said always with full disclosure and someone always buys them! And I always charge enough to know they aren't going to be eaten.

Good luck to you. Chicken keeping is fun!
Someone posted silkie hens, so I'm going to go that route instead. Hooray! It sounds like I can get them tomorrow! There are 2 so they can be buddies, and maybe when they go broody give them some eggs (or let them sit on golf balls for a few weeks, then give them chicks. There are so many horror stories about hatching eggs on here!).

That is probably better than taking my chances with hens that might have something wrong with them. Thank you for all the feedback on that!
Chickens must be expencive in your area. $15???? That's nuts.
Good luck with your new flock. I hope it works out for you.

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