Should I cancel this order?

There is a plus to June orders. You can move them outside much sooner and avoid the chick dust! I moved 2-week old chicks into my small outside coop in late June last year.

I'm glad you were able to work this out, and wish you the very best!

Thanks. Lots of stress relieved with that decision! It would be nice to move them quicker and I'm sure they'll be old enough to handle the cold when it comes back around.
I talked to Meyer and did cancel the order. At this point, I don't think I could get out of my driveway to the road to pick them up (snow) regardless of the temperature. They were great, refunded the order price since they wouldn't be able to ship the Australorps until June and those were the ones I really wanted in the order. With my weather luck, it would be 90 degrees here in June and I'd have to worry about heat.
I do feel very relieved and know I'll have a much better chance with shipping around April, but now I'm chickless for the duration and have to figure out another route for ordering. Better than watching chicks slowly die, though!

Actually since they are supposed to be kept around 90 degrees when first hatched warmer weather isn't as much of a problem.

Maybe you can find a different hatchery that will have Australorps before June.
Cancelling your order will mean you will have to re-order later. Shipment of chicks can not be delayed/rescheduled. Chicks can not be mailed after the yolk is absorbed. This is a tough decision....... Also why I don't order chicks before warm weather.
Actually, I like to get chicks that are two weeks old. The breeder that I got mine from last year ONLY ships them once they are that age. This weeds out the weaker chicks and they are able to handle the journey much better. They put some gel for them to eat and to get their moisture from during the shipping and all of them arrived very healthy. It is just CHEAPER for hatcheries to ship out one day old chicks. That is why they do it. The difference between hatcheries and breeders.

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