Should I COOK her? Need your thoughts.......

Gina, still NO EGG from her! I guess we'll have to shoot for that "trick or treat" egg I'm hoping for... LOL!

Coon, where are finding these yummy lookin recipes for chicken...LOL! She is not going to have a chance if you keep that up

Ricks, I would give yours a little more time being that they are just 6 months old. You should be seeing eggs anytime now. My RIR problem child (Rhodee) is going on 9 months on Oct 22nd with no egg so far. Her sister RIR started laying at 22 weeks.

thegoogers, I am starting to believe RIR are not the best laying breed after this one is holding out this long.

I'm going to give her a little more time. I give her pep talks AKA threats daily to inspire her to lay. I even show her the recipe book...she runs for some reason when I do that. Not sure why
Good Luck! I am anxiously waiting to hear how this turns out!

I (personally) think. IF she never lays and she provides you dinner she has still "pulled her weight" even if in a different form.

I can't say I could ACTUALLY be the one to "do the deed' that is what I have a husband for

Good Luck!!
I'm hungry too after see those tanilizing pictures.

Coon, you're bad!!!
I'm toren between the chicken dumplings and curry chicken....YUM!!! Guess I'll have both

Well, she was in the nest again bright and early this morning! I camped out and watched her with coffee in hand (hazelnut creamer too) and waited til she got off the nest with NO EGG left behind. GRRRRRRRRR!
You know what they say... a watched pot never boils!
I'm just a little south of you in FT Myers. My chickens are just starting to lay. I'm not sure that you could call what we are having a "change of seasons", fall usually starts mid December. I'm gonna get hate mail for that one.
: I'd keep her for a while longer, not because I'm a softie, but because you have invested a lot of time and energy, what's a another month or so? She is beyond the young and tender stage anyway, she would need to be slow cooked (that curry dish looks gooood). Eventually you will have to make a decision. You don't have to cull her. Too late now anyway, someone named her FOR you, LOL!!! There is the pet/sell/trade option like others have mentioned already. I'd eventually cull her if she didn't start, but that's me, right now I keep chickens for food, either eggs or meat.

Truthfully, I'd go with the Chicken & Dumplings. It's an old Betty Crocker recipe that's great and real easy to make.
In fact, I'm thinking about making it this weekend.

I have one that has not laid in a year. She takes up a whole roost and thinks she is Queen, into the pot this weekend. Gotta change my info after this weekend. One less rock hen.
Will, I guess I'll have to make some chicken & dumplings this weekend too. That recipe sounds yummy and it's been forever since I had good chicken & dumplings!!!

Swamp, greetings to you down south of me. It was nice and a little cooler up this way last week but the humidity has come back now...still staying below 90 though. I miss the change of season out in Washington State. I moved to FL a few years ago. Glad your girls are starting to lay. All of mine are laying except for my trouble child...BAD GIRL! I'm going to give her a little more time.

Poop, you have a hen that hasn't laid in ONE YEAR? Is she old? I would put her in the POT too....she will make a fabulous soup!

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