Should I get rabies shot

Former end of life counselor...werd lol!:)
That's where I was with it, too, but I erred on the side of caution, since there are a lot of questions that are meant seriously and where an OP would feel quite offended by a glib response to their real distress. I used to work in a profession where the realities were often grim and a sort of gallows humor helped us cope with the day-to-day horror. I'm well aware that what may strike me as humorous may be way off from the typical and tend to curb that in myself unless I'm sure people are joking and share enough common ground with me that they will not be appalled at what I have learned how to keep in perspective through humor.
My golden rule: Don't take medical advice from strangers online. If one of my chickens drew blood I wouldn't be worried about rabies. If I thought it was bad enough it might need stitches, I'd make a trip to the hospital. Or an urgent care clinic. Last (never) thing I'd do is ask folks online.
I'll fix that since apparently no one is choosing to have a sense of humor as I had intended it I will depart group and then you can keep your high-minded thoughts to yourself and not having to worry about having an indulgent moron like myself bother you I'm sorry that you chose to take exception with what I wrote I was trying to be funny I forgot only Einstein's and Geniuses need apply I don't qualify on either account
No, don't leave. You're in good company here, really!!

My mistake...I thought this was a serious website offering help and drawing on the vast experience among the membership. Learning a lot and so appreciate you all being there. Just never realized it is sometimes used as a format for jokesters.

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