Should I give grit?

May 18, 2020
Cameron Texas
Hey so I’m getting my day old chicks on Wednesday, I’ve done some research on whether to give grit or not. Some articles said that while I’m giving them chick starter, it desolves in water so they don’t need it yet. But some say to buy it just in case. I know once they start eating bugs, seeds, and grower feed they’ll need it, but until then?
I would recommend getting chick grit for them (my favorite brand is Scratch and Peck), and that way even if they don't need it, they will be getting into practice in eating it and that can help keep them entertained.
If you're just giving them chick food then they dont need grit. I've never given my chickens grit. I provided a small pan full of dirt and they get what they need from there. Now that they're outside they find it themselves. If you ever give any treats then they will need some sort of grit.
I give grit from the very start as I brood outdoors. The chicks pick up shavings and dirt and bits of plant matter and ate those before deciding their feed was a good thing.

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