should i go ahead and do it????


8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
these were my new chicks when i brought them home. i think maybe 1 to 2 weeks old. what do yall think? and this is them now. i think maybe 7 weeks old what do yall think? i want to put them outside in their little thing it will be round 58 tonight here in alabama. do yall think its ok.
If it were me, I would wait the one/two weeks. They still have baby fluff on their heads. Others, would put them out. It just depends on how comfortable you feel.
Mine are about the same age, I put them outside at 9:30 am and bring them back in at 8pm...I just don't feel that they are ready to stay out at night...although, our temps are a little chillier right now. Sometimes, you just do what you have to do.
yeah i told my hubby i wasnt ready for them to go out yet. he told me to go get them so they are in my house now. i have a friend coming to take of things while we are gone. im sure she wouldnt mind letting them out then bringing them back in later. i do feel more comfortable with them inside a little longer. thanks
I'm glad you chose to go with your heart :) I'm sure your friend won't mind bringing them actually beats having to chase them around the run and put them in the coop until they figure out how to go in theirselves :)
Mine are about 4 weeks old, or so I thought..looking at your pics, Im starting to think mine might be older...I keep mine outside all day, and the poor girls, they get so sad when I have bring them back into the brooder! :(
Do what is right for you, I am following mothers intuition, and I "chickened out" and bring them back in the house at night, so easy they all just go into an XLdog crate/brooder for the night and out in the coop at 6:30am before i leave for work. I raised them inside under a 90 degree heat lamp and got them to room temp for a week(70 degrees) tried them outside temps in the low 40's at night and it just stressed them and me out!! I feel because i raised them inside, it was too drastic a drop from 75-80 degree days, to 42-50 degree nights.....and at 5-6 weeks too young. I was getting impatient, they make a mess all day and were getting cramped in brooder.....alls well weather is warming, before i know it they'll be in their coop all night and i'll be wishing for more chicks :)


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