Should I have water and feed in the coop? Pro's & Con's

I keep water and food in the coop only when the weather is crummy enough they can't (won't) go outside. My run is predator-proof :fl and I use a tarp until it starts to snow in earnest and the run frame will no longer support the weight. My coop has electricity so I use the cookie tin method of keeping water liquid, increasing/decreasing the wattage of the bulb to match the temps. I only have 6 chickens so it's not a huge hassle except I have to poop scoop the entire coop and not just the poop board. I keep the shavings about 6 inches deep in winter and half that in the summer.
I am designing my new coop & run build for this spring. It will be a 6x6 coop with a 12x20 run attached. Should I have the feed and water in the coop or the run. What is the best? I tend to lean towards the coop being just for roosting with no water or feed. What are your thoughts? Thanks
I have feed in the coop to keep the deer out of it and water outside because otherwise the ducks dump it all over. Everyone seems to be doing okay with this set up. If there are rodents eating my feed the are eating less then the deer, but I don’t think there are because we have done our best to rat proof the coop.
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