Should I help chick hatch?


7 Years
Oct 2, 2016
I had a broody hen who left her eggs. This one was pipped yesterday late afternoon-that’s when I saw it not sure when it actually pipped. Today it made a small hole. i’ve never seen them not zip around the egg. Should I help this one? It’s peeping. I have it in an old Genesis incubator. Temp reads 100. Doesn’t show humidity I just always fill both water troughs at the end for hatching so that’s what I did for this one. Thank you
Sorry forgot to attach photo…


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Trying to post a better photo. I’m wondering if the inner membrane is stuck to it?


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Had one like that yesterday, waited for chewing to stop then helped it, membrane was stuck to him, stil had to peel some off today
We have a couple every hatch the make a big hole then hang out and relax for many hours. She'll start zipping when she's ready. Some people will assist early and often, some hold off and let it be. I have assisted, but generally I wait a long time because you never know if the yolk is still being absorbed. A lot of the time if they are too weak to hatch, they are weak chicks that always seem to have issues. That said, I'm not heartless, so sometimes I jump in and help regardless. If you do assist, just go slow and careful. Keep us posted on the little peeper.
She just hatched and is huge and active! I did end up chipping very tiny pieces of the outer shell off with bits of dry membrane in a zipper pattern two different times because I was afraid of doing too much-she eventually popped the top off. That’s the first time I’ve ever had a chick make a hole of that size but have nothing else happen. Thank you all for your help. I could do this a hundred times and probably still have questions. 🧐 🐣
I had one under a broody mama that looked dry. (It was actually fine but I thought it looked dry!) So I wrapped it in a warm wet wrag, peeled off some eggshells to help it a bit, covered it in the rag again for a minute, then let mama hen do her thing. The chick is 3 weeks old now with mama and is doing amazing. Oh, and also I assisted about 12-18 hours after hatch.
She just hatched and is huge and active! I did end up chipping very tiny pieces of the outer shell off with bits of dry membrane in a zipper pattern two different times because I was afraid of doing too much-she eventually popped the top off. That’s the first time I’ve ever had a chick make a hole of that size but have nothing else happen. Thank you all for your help. I could do this a hundred times and probably still have questions. 🧐 🐣
Congrats on your hatch! :jumpy

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