Should I help my pipped egg

my rule is "you got 24 hrs little chick" if not father is comeing in after If it's past 24 hrs since the pip...i say get in there and help it. At least zip 90% of the way for it then set it back down and watch it come the rest of the way out on it's own.
My rule is never "help" a chick to get out of the shell. One part of the natural selection procees is that a healthy chick can hatch on it's own. If a chick is unable to hatch w/o assistance it's because there's a problem with the chick. Nature knows best-let natural processes work.
He hatched last night at about 9. He is doing good not completely dried but flopping around and chirping. I was just wondering how long it I should wait on the others? There is not signs of pipping on the other 10 eggs? Thanks
I've never done it, but you could try the float test to see if they are still alive. Or you could do what I did, and just open 1 to see. Probably better to do the float test though, since your 1 chick just hatched yesterday. Maybe your temps were a little low, delaying your hatch. Let us know how you make out with the rest.

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