Should I help this chick hatch or it is ok?

... about my hygrometer... all day it has stayed steady at 78!

i have a question though... does leaving it out at room temperature differ in the reading you might get if it were in the incubator at 100 degrees? If not I would like to set it in there because I dont like not being able to monitor the temperature :-( Then again I wouldn't want the humidity in there to interfere with the reading... so , i dunno.. i just have it sitting out in the kitchen right now.
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If thats the case then why in the world, after staying steady at 78 since 6am this morning would it start plummeting right when i put it in the incubator????
If thats the case then why in the world, after staying steady at 78 since 6am this morning would it start plummeting right when i put it in the incubator????

because the temp of the air in the bag, the salt solution, the hygrometer arent the same anymore.. which is why you have to let everything equalize
so lets assume it stays at 78% after 24 hours (they often change.. but for argument's sake)...
so when it says 78% it's actually 75%

if your hygrometer was reading 60% while you were in lockdown it was actually only 57.6%
and if you were incubating with it at 40% it was actually only 38.4%
If thats the case then why in the world, after staying steady at 78 since 6am this morning would it start plummeting right when i put it in the incubator????

because the temp of the air in the bag, the salt solution, the hygrometer arent the same anymore.. which is why you have to let everything equalize

Although I haven't turned off my incubator yet, I will tonight. None of my other s4 eggs pipped and after candling it is pretty obvious those babies died.

Thankfully, out of the two I decided to open, the one is doing wonderful!!!!!!!

It was so critical at first. He was out of the egg with the part of the yoke attached from 9:00pm Wednesday until 7 or 8pm Thursday. All he did was lay there. He immediately sat up when the yoke was off but did not start standing good until late yesterday evening. I was so worried his legs were messed up. I had to stay out of town last night. I felt guilty but it was actually good to get away. My 7 year old daughter was left in charge of the baby. If he needed anything she was to get her Daddy. She called my last night and said he was walking. I almost cried tears of joy! He's finally drinking and I'm assuming eating on his own and is a rather fiesty little think.

Thanks all for your words of wisdom and caring thoughts!
I'm glad you could at least save one.. just be sure to keep an eye on him in case of an infection.. but I'll keep my fingers crossed that he's going to be ok
and glad to hear he's up and walking around and drinking!.. (you may want to find him a little buddy)...
at least now you have an idea of what to do should the need ever arise again.. and with all of the assisted hatches.. if you know what to do and when to do it .. their chance of survival goes way up
well.. I'm hard headed and stubborn.. and because of that I have 90 to 100% hatch rates on my own homegrown poultry eggs.. Over the years I have saved a lot of healthy chicks that, through no fault of their own couldn't hatch on their own..
If someone wishes to let nature do it's thing.. that's fine for them.. after all it's their eggs and their chicks..
but for me, personally.. i won't sit back and watch a chick die that I know i could have saved had I intervened.
So to each his own..

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