It's time to make a tough decision. I have a 7 month old Buff Orpington pullet that has never been quite right. She was small to begin with and was always low girl in the pecking order. About four months ago, she started to shake constantly like she is on a low vibrate. She also started turning her head to one side and I realized she is blind in one eye and seems to have poor vision in the other. I usually hand feed her because she cant see well enough to eat on her own, she will peck at a piece of food on the ground and miss over and over. So I put her food in a cup and she eats that way by stabbing at the food until she gets lucky and is able to get some in her beak. I tried the treatments recommended here and the shaking is better. She is just mostly blind and very unsteady. I have to put her on the roost at night now and she still falls off. She has good days and bad, she still finds joy in a dust bath and free ranging, but she is always alone or will follow the sound of my voice and just hang out beside me or sit in my lap and take a nap. The other girls are really starting to pick on her and I can tell she is miserable.
What would you do? My husband and son both offered to cull her for me if I want them to.
I don't know what is wrong with her, I do have chicks that in a few weeks will be in the same run area but blocked by fencing from her...still I don't know if it's something that can be other girls are perfectly healthy and have been with her since the day I got her.
Any advice is helpful. Let her live or end it, I can't seem to make up my mind. Her name is Rose and I'm attached so it's hard for me to decide.
What would you do? My husband and son both offered to cull her for me if I want them to.
I don't know what is wrong with her, I do have chicks that in a few weeks will be in the same run area but blocked by fencing from her...still I don't know if it's something that can be other girls are perfectly healthy and have been with her since the day I got her.
Any advice is helpful. Let her live or end it, I can't seem to make up my mind. Her name is Rose and I'm attached so it's hard for me to decide.