should i let my chickens die naturally?

does it seem moraly right to let chicken suffer?

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I have chickens as pets and chickens for meat. The pets go to a retirement coop to live out their days after they have laying problems. If they are suffering I would put them out of their misery if needed, but so far I only have 1 resucued hen who has laid soft or no shelled eggs and she is the sweetest cuddliest chicken and I would never put her down just because of her lack of laying. She is a pet and lives a happy free range life in retirement.
Condemn, judge, whatever verb you want to ascribe to asserting that it's wrong to euthanize a suffering animal. Of course, it's hypocritical of me to say that it's a personal decision and thus either answer is valid, yet also assert that it's wrong to condemn someone for disagreeing with you. I suppose it's equally valid to say that euthanizing is never ok if that's your opinion. I guess I just feel that if your argument is that you can never know what the suffering animal really wants, then you can't also assert that it's always wrong to end their life, because, as you already pointed out, you could be wrong in assuming their preference.
Have you ever wanted to die.." Say two weeks of some sickness beyond your control.. Or some god awful upbringing.. Or the fact you are blessed with talent of taking life no one should ever have.. I have. Nine weeks in a coma.. crippled when I tried getting out of bed because I felt good. Like a pancake on the floor.. Polio through Scarlet Fever.. and I just wanted to live.. Life is precious, animal, vegetable, mineral.. " And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out." Because they were all living things.. as you are as well.. Postscript: My brother who dotes on his animals, put down two dogs I know of because of old age.. Suffering I am sure was the reason or excuse.. I will not do so if it can be avoided! I stand by my words.. Words actually mean things.
By the way, when did I ever say I didn’t respect life? I respect it more that your so called god.... seriously. I take very good care of my animals and I eat food. I respect farmers and ecological, sustainable farming practices but I’m not going to respect my produce food as if it has feelings. That’s ridiculous - end of story.
Well good for you. as it should be.. I have no animosity towards you.. 'WE' all have 'OUR' perspective.. Some is just out of ignorance. Ignorance is Bliss, remain Blissful and or not. I am pulling for you, nonetheless!
Hi. I basically agree with you. However, I was wondering. As a vegetarian, why is your line drawn at animals? Plants are genetically modified and grown in ways that really hurt the environment just like factory farmed animals. Plants have been proven to react to stimuli, and form symbiotic complex relationships with animals and other plants. Why is it totally fine to eat a Monsanto tomato, but not a cornish x or an egg? Or why do most people not think twice when they rip an apple from their mother tree and tear it's flesh with their teeth? Or dice an heirloom carrot into 100 pieces? I get really hung up on this. Because plants don't have a nervous system YOU can recognize they are morally free of guilt to eat? Or they don't make noise when you pick/kill them? Either way for one to eat something has to sacrifice its life. That is just the way it is. Whether it is a Waygu or a soy bean. Why is it acceptable to kill plants not animals?
Because I don't want to die. Stars eat planets, black holes eat everything, I eat cows. You can't live without something else dying - not a moral issue until you get to factory farms.

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