Should i let them out?


Jul 21, 2016
Southwest PA
This is my first winter with chickens. I'm in Southwest PA and we just got our first snow. I usually let my flocks out of their coops in the morning to free range and they return at dark. Now that the snow is here do I still let them out? I know they can take the cold but I'm worried about their feet getting frostbite. I leave the coop doors open but they never go back in until dark. Even yesterday when we got light snow and it was very windy they stayed outside.
You can let them out. Generally they are very cautious about venturing out into the snow - especially if it has any depth. The only birds I have ever had get frozen feet were those independent devils who insisted on roosting outside in the very coldest weather.
With the first snow, most chickens don't venture out. You can throw some straw down to encourage them to go outside but eventually even the biggest chicken will get ansy inside and get over it.
Thank you for your responses. I also did a search and saw that it was nervous 1st time chicken mom..ha ha. The ducks were already in the little pond today, I knew they were very cold hardy. I have Jersey Giants so I knew they would probably be ok along with the Svart Honas but it was the Ayam Cemanis I was worried about. So far everyone is huddled together in their coops. I put fresh dry straw in with them so they're having fun scratching around in it for now. And they have it for insulation.

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