should I pull this scab off?

Just a little update on my duck's bumblefoot. I pulled the first big piece of scab off, didn't have an obvious kernel, but pulled out some yellowish stuff and left it bandaged for two days, pulled off the outer edge scab after that and left it bandaged another two days. It's been another two days now and I soaked the foot for a few minutes after which the top part of the scab almost fell off and there was pink skin underneath. The photo below shows it before that other piece of scab fell off. The rest of the current scab is soft and it feels like swelling has gone down. She's doing the cephalexin, which was powder in a capsule that I'm mixing with water, and also the metacam (thank you Kale!!). Yesterday and today I slathered it with Prid and re-bandaged.
Just a little update on my duck's bumblefoot. I pulled the first big piece of scab off, didn't have an obvious kernel, but pulled out some yellowish stuff and left it bandaged for two days, pulled off the outer edge scab after that and left it bandaged another two days. It's been another two days now and I soaked the foot for a few minutes after which the top part of the scab almost fell off and there was pink skin underneath. The photo below shows it before that other piece of scab fell off. The rest of the current scab is soft and it feels like swelling has gone down. She's doing the cephalexin, which was powder in a capsule that I'm mixing with water, and also the metacam (thank you Kale!!). Yesterday and today I slathered it with Prid and re-bandaged. View attachment 2343081
Wow! It looks so much better!!
@Isaac 0 My duck has been on the antibiotic and the cephalexin and metacam for a week now. I'm looking for advice for how long to continue the meds. I'm also wanting advice on the scab that formed after pulling off the original one. The last two days I have left the bandage off at night and in the morning soaked and applied Prid and bandage. She seemed to be limping less today. The scab is flat and when I picked up the edge a bit this morning the part I saw had pink skin under, but I could also see that it was starting to bleed a tiny bit as I pried it up - and I was just on the edge. I'm just wondering what step I should take next, or just continue what I'm doing? I've never dealt with bumblefoot that had a scab this size so I don't know if it will eventually go away or just fall off? Looking for input and advice on how long to continue with meds. Thanks in advance. Cori

Photo below is Thursday when I decided to let her start sleeping bandage free because the skin at the top was kind of white and soft. That skin is now pink but otherwise it doesn't look much different today:
IMG_1357 (1).JPG
Hi, Cori.

With most antibiotics, we tend to keep them on it for around seven days, but since you don't have any way of telling if there is still bacteria on the sore, like gram staining, I would just suggest on administering it to her for three more days and make it an even ten.

It's hard for me to really recommend what you should do since I'm not there to physically examine the core, ideally, you get that whole scab off. Yes, they'll be bleeding, just apply firm pressure with a damp towel until it clots, and proceed further, repeating pressure when needed. You don't really want to leave the whole scab on, but you also don't want to rip it off her foot and cause damage, try to cut it in the middle, and get as much off as you can without damaging the foot too much. A scalpel to dig into the scab may help.

Once most of its off, you'll need to bandage her foot until the wounds heal or bacteria will re-enter the area and cause another infection.

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