Should I seek psychiatric help for becoming overly attached to my chic

Sounds like my husband, I'm excited to try out incubating but my husband has concerns about how he will live with himself if we do something wrong and the babies develope but then they dont make it. How we would live with ourself if they started to hatch but couldnt get out and died..I too think this would be very sad, but you have to learn sometime right? How can I make my husband a little less paranoid??
There are times that our chickies do something so darn cute that I just want to kiss them, but haven't yet. Guess the stereotype that chickens have germs is too far ingrained??
OMG! A chicken with brain freeze! I almost want to see if that happens, but I remember how that feels and I don't think I could do it!!
OMG! A chicken with brain freeze! I almost want to see if that happens, but I remember how that feels and I don't think I could do it!!

Oh, they're fine. The look on their face is adorable!
I thought that was the girls' job. I thought that's what kept us from running down the street screaming. now I realize, it's just another part of the symptoms.

so, if I decide I need a shrink... do I have an excuse to get bantams?
My chickens are my In all seriousness though, get with neighbors and friends and take care of each others animals on the buddy system. That is what we do and It works great. There are 4 of us who spend time with each other learning how we each care for/feed our different animals. We have keys to each others houses, pens, barns and coops. We all trust each other 100% and I can leave for a while at peace knowing that my animals and property are looked after and cared for.

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