Should I trust this vet?


Mar 29, 2022
I'm nervous about my vet appointment this afternoon. This vet clinic doesn't let pet owners come in. I took them a stool sample with little white maggot things in it. They had said it would be $30. When I brought it in they asked for $40. Then they said someone would call me about the results. 3 days later I called them bec. nobody called me and they said they found something and I needed to bring the chicken in for an appointment. When I realized they didn't tell me what they found I called back and they said they would discuss it at the appointment. When I said I don't understand why you can't give me the information now they said someone would call me back that day. Again there was no call. Is it too much to ask for the information I paid so much $ for? I don't even feel like I understand the motive for the vet visit. I may be irrational here, but I'm worried they may put the bird down without telling me.
Go with your gut. If you are not comfortable, go elsewhere, it's not worth it. Except for when everyone was in major covid lockdown, I personally would never see a vet that would not let me in for an exam or consultation. Even during lockdown my vet was flexible depending on what the issue was. Would you let your child see a doctor for an exam if they wouldn't let you in? I wouldn't.
This borders on coercion. What a nefarious method to acquire customers!

They have no right to withhold the information you already paid for in advance and there is no need whatsoever to bring in a chicken because there was a worm or worm egg in the stool sample.

I would write to them asking for the results in writing as well as a receipt for the payment of their fee.

And maybe let your local newspaper know about the dubious methods you as an animal owner have been facing when dealing with this vet clinic.
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