Should I unplug the incubator while turning?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
I have a forced air lg with no egg turner. When I am turning the eggs, should I unplug the incubator before I take off the top to turn, or leave it running? I have 17 eggs in there, so it doesn't take a lot of time to do, and the temp. stablizes again quite quickly (about 10 minutes). I have unplugged the bator the last two times I've turned (I'm on day 2), but I'd like to know what other folks do.
Do you completely remove the top, or just lift it a bit and slide your hand in to turn? I've been taking the top completely off and set it to the side.
I leave it plugged in and only open to add water. I "turn" my eggs (which are in egg cartons) with a small block of styrofoam that I place under the outside bottom edge of the 'bator, moving the block from left side to back to right side to front, thus "turning" the whole 'bator instead of the individual eggs. I move the block a total of 5 times a day.


Agree with the above...leave it plugged in.

Additional not turn the cover upside down when you place it to the side. Doing so will result in thermostat changes.

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