Solved Should we eliminate or change post likes?

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There will be a reaction score that will replace the likes count, and it will either go up, or stay the same based on the reaction. We could set it so certain reactions have a negative reaction score, but like I said, we probably wouldn't do that. By default, it doesn't show what number of specific reactions a user has received, but there might be an add-on for that.
If there was an add on it probably would be $$$
My biggest problem is that likes are a huge motivator for a post count that isn't educational or helpful. I'm sure there are some people who only post for likes.
I have a good number of likes and I dont believe the first one of them were useful But never in a million years would I of posted something just to get a like. I mean, If likes were dollar bills then maybe I would but there not. Its flattering to get a few likes on something you have said. Means people are reading you and like what you have to say. Thats it. Its not a contest, there is no prize.
Dislikes would quickly turn our friendly forum into something else. We strive to be friendly here not rude. Just my 2 cents worth
Preferable to get rid of the entire likes and points system if people felt a change was necessary imo.
I also think it is a mistake to consider BYC primarily as a place of education.
If education and new knowledge was the priority centrarchid would have an educators badge. I think that makes my point clearly.;)
Preferable to get rid of the entire likes and points system if people felt a change was necessary imo.
I also think it is a mistake to consider BYC primarily as a place of education.
If education and new knowledge was the priority centrarchid would have an educators badge. I think that makes my point clearly.;)
I couldn't agree more.
On the topic of educator badges, those need to be vetted better. A handful of folks with them (not the majority) are just regurgitating Google.
The latter part of this message confuses me. Likes are search filters in threadloom.
You can search in a thread for a most liked message. This, to me, is helpful because usually the messages are something helpful like medicine dosage for chickens.
I feel that if we remove likes that is like removing our positive opinions.
I couldn't agree more.
On the topic of educator badges, those need to be vetted better. A handful of folks with them (not the majority) are just regurgitating Google.
Folks, let's not get this thread closed or deleted. Please and thank you.
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