Should we put Hardware cloth floor of RUN???

Let me clarify. My plan- which I have NOT carried out - is to put my natural clay soil mounded on top of hardware cloth and packed down. Effectively forming a new ground level. So that I clean on top of normal clay ground - that secretly has hardware cloth under it.
I did effectively raise the ground of my run by 7-8 inches by putting clay in it. I live in a swampy area so now everything around the run floods but the run does not.
That sounds like a Great plan!!!!!;). This spot of ours water run off the mountain can get bad once a year. Thankfully it’s not tons but it’s something we discussed before building but only place we wanted the coop. Sounds like the key is to building up like you said on top of the cloth. I appreciate the input bunches!
I would, I used regular old wire farm fence on mine, not sure which one would be cheaper? I have never regretted adding it to my coop, I feel it’s very safe.
That is great to know!!! Thanks!! We are using 1/2” hardware cloth but it’s worth it to spend the extra to know our chickens are safe. I didn’t want our coop on a permanent foundation in case we move so it’s level but I see holes and spots things could crawl under. We are for sure doing the 18” cloth around edge of whole coop too.
I wouldnt. It will make it hatdettp clean a d you risk the chance of your chickens catching their toes on it. Chickens scratch constantly.
That was our concern....hmmm so do you think if it’s down 6” under dirt it would be fine? I wouldn’t want it just loosely laying in there bc of chickens hurting themselves plus we will walk in there some.
That was our concern....hmmm so do you think if it’s down 6” under dirt it would be fine? I wouldn’t want it just loosely laying in there bc of chickens hurting themselves plus we will walk in there some.
Honestly, I'm not sure. For predator proofing I aproned my hardware cloth out. It's worked great.
We have hardware cloth on the bottom of our run but my husband buried the bottom part of it so then we covered it with dirt so the chickens never get down to the hardware cloth but nothing can dig up underneath it either. Periodically during the year, I will replace dirt in there as needed. We’ve had this set up for almost 4 1/2 years and this day no one has ever been attacked by anything. We have recently built on a fenced in area that they can go out into during the daytime and it is much riskier but knock on wood that’s been going well too. We have aviary netting on the top of it to keep hawks at bay.
@aart your thread is an eye opener my chickens did dig a lot but they filled the holes back in when they started digging eleswhere
My only concern with an apron is for the same reason others have said about having it under the run if you chickens don't spend all their time in the run and free range outside of it surely they run a bigger risk of hurting their feet I'm just a bit confused on which is a better option?

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