Should you always hear chripping before they hatch??


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
San Diego County
I have eggs due to hatch on the 13th. When I last candled them, a day before lockdown, I could see the babies moving around. Now a couple days before hatch I read that some people hear chripping - do you always hear chripping before they hatch?? I haven't heard anything.

Also I read alot of advise about not opening the incubator - is this due to the humidity? My humidiyt is around 76%. Is there any other reason not to open it?? Just curious----I don't plan to open it!
You often can hear them start chirrping once they break into the aircell. That is usually around day 20. I have had some birds that didn't chirp much or at all until after they hatched. My EE that hatched today is a good example. I thought she was dead- no sounds from the egg - but she was just very quiet and focused on hatching.
Shortly after I posted my question I went in to check and I'll be darn if I didn't hear chripping! I am so excited. However, I found one egg exploded. It didn't actually get on the other eggs and I took it out quickly and opened up the other air vent. The Humidity went right back up to 78%.

Will my other eggs be okay?? Obviously I couldn't really clean things up but I am hoping and praying that my others eggs are fine.

If they hatch will the smell of that stinky eggs affect them??

This is both exciting and stressfull!!

Thank you all for you help!
Chirping, not chripping!

Oh dear, those stink bomb eggs. The smell won't hurt, unless there's so much gas from the bad egg that it suffocates them. I don't think that's likely, but the bacteria might make them sick, or even kill them.

78% humidity seems too high to me. I keep mine between 55%-60% for the hatch. Mine hatch best in that range, higher than 60% I start losing them. You might want to increase your ventilation a little, to bring it down a bit. That could be helpful to clear the stink out, too.

Good luck, I hope you have a good hatch, with no problems from the egg bomb!
Thank you - I took one of the little tubs of water out so the humidity should go down.

I checked them early this morning (1 am) and had my first pip!! Now I noticed 4 eggs have started pipping ( is that a word?) and the one that started first has a hole now. I keep hearing chripping too!

This is my first hatch and I am very excited. I understand it can them up tp 24 hours to work their way out of the egg - it that right?? I happen to be be off from work today - I may drive myself crazy!!

Oh boy I hope they're okay - I opened up both air vents last night and I already had the incubator slightly raised - is there anything I can do?

Darn exploding egg!!!
good luck - find something to keep you busy. It can definately take 24 hours for them to hatch.

I think the last day is the hardest one.
First chick is out!!! It a black copper maran. 3 more eggs rocking and pipped - 1 maran & 2 welsummers. A one RIR pipped!! So darned exciting - I am going down to play with my horses so I'll stop looking at the incubator!

How do you post pictures?

I know what you mean. I have a broody sitting on five eggs that should pip today or tomorrow and it is so hard not to keep checking on her. This my second hatch this year and it is still soooo exciting.

Best of luck with you first hatch!

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