Show me an 8 week old Barnevelder pullet please


10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
I have 5 barnevelders I hatched and I'm pretty sure they are all cockerels
just to be sure as I find them all homes, can someone show me pullets for comparison?
These are my 2 barnevelder pullets at 8-9 weeks of age. They are hatchery stock (from a feed store) and while one had typical barnevelder coloring/lacing, the other ended up with a redder chest when she grew up - you can kind of tell in this picture too.
Oh darn, no pics. I'll check back in case you post them.

Sorry - I copied, but after typing, forgot to paste.

While looking at my new barnevelder chicks (about 2 weeks old now) I saw that their wings are different, three had a pointed, double row of primaries and three had a straight, single row. I'm hoping to find as they grow that three are pullets and three are roos. Just gotta figure out which is which. Anyone know if you can wing sex barnevelders?
It looks like the 8 week pullet barnies really had no red comb. I keep checking to be sure because all my barnies have big red combs, some bigger than others. And I'm working on rehoming them all as roosters.

Thanks for your help.
You're welcome. Since you're looking at comb types as a huge deciding factor - you can click on the link below to see my chicks grow up (pics at 11, 18, & 23 weeks). Even at 11 & 18 weeks, they still had small combs.

Barnevelders are the last chickens on the page:

Yeah, mine are 8-9 weeks old now and they all look like Penny at 25 weeks comb-wise. All cockerels.


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