Show me y'all's Bantam breeds!!!!

Kloie Grace

Jun 18, 2020
Hey! I want to see all your bantam chickens! Please post a picture and his/her backstory if he/she has one!
Format it like so:
Category: (Chick, roo, hen)
I will announce the winners in one week!

This is not a contest where cutest chicken wins. I will pick the 3 that I like best. Have a good time! LIMIT: 3 ENTRIES PER PERSON
This is Dottie.
She is a black mottled d'uccle pullet, 11 weeks old in pic.
I have raised her from 1 day old, and she is super-special to me! She has loads of spunk and personality. At about 7 weeks old, she began to have trouble walking and developed progressive weakness over several weeks to the point where I had to support her for her to eat and drink. I cried daily tears over Dottie, and much to my delight, she has pulled through whatever was ailing her, and has almost made a complete recovery!
Name: Peaches
Breed: Barnyard Bantam Mix
Category: Hen

Peaches turned up one day with no upper beak. And when I say no upper beak, I mean NONE. No idea what happened to it. She eats chick crumbles from a coffee can. She stabs her beak into the crumbles and eats what sticks to her tongue. She is FEISTY as all get out


So funny, but it’s so hard to choose. It’s like choosing your favorite child 😂🤣😂
I’m going to say....
Mopsy, my frizzled bantam Polish hen is one of my favorites. Follows me around like I puppy dog. Always under my feet and talking to me

Another beauty is my paint Silkie boy. It’s unfortunate that he doesn’t like me so much. I purchased him when a breeder decided to stop breeding Silkies. His name is Sir-Clucks-A-Lot.

and 3rd hmmm.. I’m going to go with Señor Fluffy Pants. He is a frizzled Satin. Cochin mixed with Silkie. He is going to be a daddy for the first time in a few days 🤩 I’m so excited.
This is Papaya (top) and Mango (bottom).
They are my buff cochin bantam chicks.
I got them on Saturday at just a few days old.
Right now they are being raised by a broody hen together with two Easter Egger chicks. Papaya is a total mama's girl and is the first to go running after mom. She also likes to burry herself in mom's feathers. Mango is really calm and chill. She likes to be held and pet right behind her eye. She goes to sleep every time.🥰


Name: Itty Bitty
Breed: Silver Spangled Hamburg x Silkie
Pullet/Hen? (14 weeks)

Itty Bitty was my failure to thrive chick, she has an almost identical sister who grew beautifully and Itty didn't do so well. For the first month we didn't think this little one would make it as her sister grew and developed feathers, Itty kept her chick down, as her sister put on size and weight, Itty looked like a few day old chick. Despite the slow start, after about 5 weeks, she spent a week catching up with her sibling and now is a happy, healthy member of my flock!


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