Show me your chunnels!!!!!

Yes. The tunnels run from the chicken run to garden beds. We just got the tunnels up but the girls live the extra area to roam. We have more expansion to do yet. Our plan is to use them for pest control, furtilizing and digging new garden space for next spring. Making them collapsible is a great idea! A little more work on the front end but probably worth it. We are enjoying our girls as well. We used to let them free range in the evenings but had some scares with some big dogs so we started on the run and tunnels. They wen to enjoy being out all day now and I don't worry that a dog will get them. Here is an updated pic.

Thanks for the info. Nice coop! Your girls are livin large. Come mid December or so we plan to move the tractor to the part of the garden we're cover cropping, then let them have access to a little of it at a time. Maybe it will last a little longer that way. I can't believe what 4 chickens can do to 100 square feet of pasture in 24 hours. They can pretty much take it down to bare ground. Amazing! We seem to be headed in the same direction with our girls.
My girls love their new Chunnel. Expensive and labor intensive- worth every hour and every penny.

It goes from the main coop/ run, behind my shed, down the side yard to a second run. And yes- that's my little boy checking it out! Hope it's the last time he's in there :)
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I am sorry for asking this but how exactly are y'all building these. I am interested in them but am curious the material that everyone is using.
I love to share info thanks for asking hunterheart1113- I'm starting a thread called "Build a Chunnel..." as several have asked for more instruction and I didn't want it to be lost in a older thread. I wanted to start a Thread anyway. Take a look and tell me what you think.
mamadawn :)
Hi Mamadawn,

Your chunnel is amazing. Our chickens are disappearing, we need something like that desperately.
Can you tell me how you made it?
Or at least what you used for the frame?
Hi, I'm having trouble with dogs too. Can you tell me how you made your tunnel?

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