Show me your quail pens!!!

Do you have any problems with them fighting having so many in one long pen?
{{{{{We do have some fighting problems in the bachelor pens while the birds wait
For a buyer. But if we catch em the aggressor goes to freezer camp. The breeding pen as long as the ratio is right no problems at all.}}}}
Love the idea! How is clean up?
{{{{{Clean up is a breeze. We switched to shavings now and we just move the chicks out and use a shop vac to suck it out put in new shavings and done.}}}
My quail coop! My first time building something of this size, and it turned out fairly well. I had to add in some "unique design features" due to some measuring inaccuracies... but all in all, I like the way it turned out! The green roof plan is borrowed from the kippen house chicken coop plans and is planted with strawberries. The bottom storage area houses all their feed and supplies. The design works well for my limited space on my urban balcony! my quail have a view of Seattle's space needle. :)

All you Coturnix breeders with your birds housed outdoors, are they outside yearround? What kind of winters do you have. Ours typically get down to the teens with up to 30" of snow. Dare I put them in an unheated building?
All you Coturnix breeders with your birds housed outdoors, are they outside yearround? What kind of winters do you have. Ours typically get down to the teens with up to 30" of snow. Dare I put them in an unheated building?

Hey Goat Packer, I have pack goats too!

I got my quail in January. We have some extreme cold and I keep my quail in an unheated barn. They did fine last winter. My worry is how I'm going to keep their water from freezing next winter.

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