Show me your quail pens!!!

It's now 11:15PM PST and they are resting. Under the Heat Lamp, but resting. If I walk over, they all get up and start chirping.
Pete, can you position a tarp over one end of your rabbit hutch, so that they always have cover? You might not be home the next time that happens to take them inside.
Petej - Be careful if you put them back out. Depending on where you are, you may need to re-acclimate them slowly. Since you've had them under heat, you won't want to put them right back out into cold weather (if it's cold where you are).
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The little guys are inside for the winter. Maybe even permanently.

They are doing fine this morning, they even woke us up, well the roo did!

Our weather is going to be unpredictable this winter so I think I will error on the side of caution....
I understand! I did the same with my birds. I do have four still out in my garage, but it isn't terribly cold in there, and they are dry & out of the wind. I have to have a bit of heat in my garage because my washer is out there & there is a bathroom out there. So, I can't let it get below freezing.
To answer the question above about covering the cage:

Yes, it does have a tarp over it. Unfortunately it won't stop the rain blow up into the cage.....

I have decided, that since the rabbit hutch is easy to clean, that the birds will stay in for the winter!

I'm surprised that my wife doesn't mind. My Kids however, won't stop watching them!

I did change the little door (nest box door) a bit. I took out the chicken wire and place a piece of Plexi-glass in it. I think it looks better than chicken wire, plus it will hole any heat in the space better. Read: less drafty....

I'll get some better pictures up of it here in a bit.
Very nice, Konjo! Those are some lucky birds.

(Shifty eyes as I think about new ways to construct a sandbox...)

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