Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

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I was watching online this guy talk about how u can grab a rooster by its tail by the body and it's safe well let's just say not doing that again. He has been gentle all the time until I grabbed that tail. It happened so fast.
Oh before I forget I have some leather mitts coming now bc of this. Can u keep the mitts on all the time?

Back in the day they were used for sparring, I wouldn't leave them on personally. They make some rubber ones that are used for breeding muffs that you can keep on him
Ok I have seen them I will order some I just don't wanna take a chance.
Just found out I'm getting some gavalan hatch. Only problem the roosters are super mean to humans.
I was watching online this guy talk about how u can grab a rooster by its tail by the body and it's safe well let's just say not doing that again. He has been gentle all the time until I grabbed that tail. It happened so fast.
I grab by the base of the tail when they are trying to get away... if they turn towards me I let go and wait for them kick, I dodge, and grab them on landing... Works pretty good.

If they really scared they do a roll, at which point I loosen the grip on the tail as not to damage the feathers, but remain holding until I can swoop with my other hand under their breast area.

I forgot to mention I succesfully tamed my manfighter... I think he got to trusting me when his face was all tore up and I hand fed him cheese, grapes and water. HE will shuffle his wing towards me, but allows me to pick him up without issue.
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I just go in grab him up keep him in my left hand/arm with his head between my arm (tail facing out) and side under my arm if he don't calm which is just the kelso do what I gotta and toss him back in
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I don't grab any of them by the tail. Imo your asking for them to get p*ssed off. I always pick them up by the body.
I don't toy with them and dodge anything. I just pick them up. Birds that are coming after you are relatively easy to pick up. Occasionally one will run my leg but it's rare. The shuffling in hand is a different story. Got a few that if i hold too loose and he'll turn it on. It's almost always at the sight of another rooster and not really directed at me. Hurts nonetheless. The few true manfighters I've had got put down. Flat out dangerous. One grabbed the vein in my forearm and twisted. Same bird would dive bomb toward my head at night off the roost. Maniac for sure.
My wife handles the birds too and I can't have any of that.
Like sdm111 said. If your holding them correctly You won't get shuffled like I did. I was pulling different birds out of the pens and got distracted.
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