Show off your Black Australorp

Geez, that was a fast transition! One day not attacking and the next day he is. Try to nip it in the bud now!
he isn't aggressive to me, but to guests. he recently started pecking a 1 year old. the thing is, he does it when i am not around/looking. no one is willing to stand up to him. i have punished him multiple times and he knows who is boss, but he still attacks people behind my back. and recently another roo(Hats) mated for the first time, with one of the australorp's hens. Hats was in the coop, and i was holding the gate closed so the Aussie couldn't come in and tear Hats off. now i am making sure not to let him get near Hats, for the worry of him attacking/hurting Hatsie Patsie. the hen Hats mated with i like to call "rooster's charm" because they all love her...
any ideas?
[COLOR=333333]he isn't aggressive to me, but to guests. he recently started pecking a 1 year old. the thing is, he does it when i am not around/looking. no one is willing to stand up to him. i have punished him multiple times and he knows who is boss, but he still attacks people behind my back. and recently another roo(Hats) mated for the first time, with one of the australorp's hens. Hats was in the coop, and i was holding the gate closed so the Aussie couldn't come in and tear Hats off. now i am making sure not to let him get near Hats, for the worry of him attacking/hurting Hatsie Patsie. the hen Hats mated with i like to call "rooster's charm" because they all love her...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333]any ideas?[/COLOR]
What is your rooster to hen ratio? Sometimes you need to let the roosters fight it out, as long as it does not get too out of hand, and in the end, one will step down and let the other one exhibit dominance.
What is your rooster to hen ratio? Sometimes you need to let the roosters fight it out, as long as it does not get too out of hand, and in the end, one will step down and let the other one exhibit dominance.
i have 12 hens and 4 roos...i used to have more roos but i got rid of them before they became to attached to the hens.
i have 12 hens and 4 roos...i used to have more roos but i got rid of them before they became to attached to the hens. 
yeah, I think the typical ratio is somewhere in the range of 6-8 hens per one rooster, so I think your problem is just that you have too many roosters to hens in the first place.
No problem, I am glad to help. I have way to many roosters ATM myself, so I know where you are comin from!
lol! i originally started off with 14, as chicks from multiple hatcheries and local farms. 2 died, sadly, and then 6, (half) of them became roos. i got rid of 2 brother roos of mine, because they were showing signs of being aggressive at a very young age to our other chickens. they went to a good man who said he would never cull them just for food.
lol! i originally started off with 14, as chicks from multiple hatcheries and local farms. 2 died, sadly, and then 6, (half) of them became roos. i got rid of 2 brother roos of mine, because they were showing signs of being aggressive at a very young age to our other chickens. they went to a good man who said he would never cull them just for food. 
Well, at least you found good homes for them, I am having the hardest time getting rid of my excess roosters. :he

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