Show off your chicken names!!!

We named are chickens
RIR: Rose and Ruby
BR:Luna which means the moon and Layla which means the night
Red sex links are Daisy and honey
Ameraucana:Betsy ross after the Betsy ross who made the first american flag because we got her the day after 4th of July
My Husband loves all of your chicken names:)
We have only named some of our girls- they can be hard to tell apart.
Roaster the Rooster
We haven't named all of ours yet (only 9) but so far we have the following

Gold Laced Cochin cockrel - Dupree
Blue Cochin Rooster - Celofis
Blue Cochin Hen - Jasmine
Barn Yard Mix (looks like a Barred Rock ) Stripe (son named him)

Buff Orp hen-Cheesecake
Mean BPR-Beercan..after the recipe I plan to use with him
Mystery hens(?) Lemon-Pepper and Shim.
Mottled Japanese Bantam hens-Rexy and Bexy... they belong to my 7 year old son :)
Well my chicken names have changed a few times to suit their personality.
Thorn (BR roo)
Miss Waddles (BLRW)
Skeeter (blue white crested polish)
Endive (GC)
Maple (EE)
Pearl (Minorca)
Daloris (Columbian wyandotte)
Dutchess (black australorp)
Goosey (blue andalusian)
Pumpkin puff (buff orp)
My Polish rooster is ZiggyStar, the three Polish hens are Squiggy, Lenny, and Cookie, our bantam Cochin is named Skippy, our comet hens are named Hayley and Jupiter, our Americana hen is named Ignatius. They have some crazy names, but I have some creative kids!

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