Show off your chicken names!!!

Since I have had 58 birds total (not all at once), I will share the coolest/weirdest ones :)
Platypus - buff brahma
Banana Smoothie - CQ
Cooties - Buff brahma
Spyke - Austra white
Babs and Bunty - light brahmas
Ninja- BSL
Ka-poof - EE
April,Chocolate chicken,peanut butter,chicken pox ~ 4 sex links
Vanilla ~ Buff Orpington
Betty ~ cream brabanter
Barbara ~ Barnevelder
Bob ~ Cream brabanter roo

Pearl ~ Buff Orpington duck

Each name has to do with their markings mostly
Chocolate chicken being because she is a chocolate color
Peanut butter being because she is a peanut butter color etc.....
I have Elvis, Percy, Peter, Simon, Charlie, and Joe for roosters and Abigail, Peanut, Ocean, Ellie, Dot, Snow, Button, Melody, Heart, Felicity, and Belle.

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