Show off your chicken names!!!

Shelly and Penny (EE)
Nugget, Lucy, and DeeDee (pro. reds)
Kamy (Barred Plymouth Rock)
Chick (BO)
Oreo (barred rock mutt)
Shamu (black mutt)
Dutchess and Ramsees (mutt EE type) Ramsees needs to be re-named he is a she!
Merry and Pippin (polish bantams)
Sox (buff cochin bantom roo)

Funny how popular Merry and Pippin are! I had no idea we are just big LOTR fans and since they were banty we thought it would fit!
Gorilla Monsoon BC Marans Roo
Bruno Sanmartimo Black Silver Birchen Marans Roo
Landrew Black Jersey Giant cockerel
Mert Black Jersey Giant cockerel
Hemiway Buff Orp Roo
Hatcourt Buff Orp Roo
Captain Ron Buff Orp Roo
Dimetrius " DIM " Buff Orp cockerel
Columbo Black Orp cockerel
Carlos Jr. Black Orp cockerel
LiL Dougie Buff Orp cockerel
Diego Buff Orp cockerel
Clayton "Lone Ranger" Moore Black Orp cockerel
Cleon Black Orp cockerel
Cornelius Black Orp cockerel
Fred & Lamount Barred Rock Roo's
Gonzo Black Ameraucana cokerel
LahBrawn Black Orp cockerel
and I have about another 40 to still name.
Forget my pullet and hens, too many to list. I'd need to make a phone chicken book
I named one of my childhood pet chickens Omelet. My mother thought it was kind of morbid but I decided that he was lucky he hadn't become an omelet! I think now that I have chickens again, I'll have to name one Omelet II!
not all of mine are named, but here are some that are!

Jack (delaware roo)
Mrs. Salt
Mr. Pepper (both are columbian bantam cochins)
Jasper (black rosecomb roo)
Captain Crunch (black rosecomb roo)
Webb (silkie with webbed feet)
Willy, Mr. Peep, Tina, Janis, Peaches, Big Red, Cleo, Chicklet.

Willy and Mr.Peep are father and son, feather footed Bantam. Willy is lace and Mr. Peep is buff and red.

Tina, Janis, Peaches and Big Red are Reds. Cleo and Chicklet are EE

Loulou - Very skinny mix breed, crooked beak (explains her skinniness) Most dominant, even though she's half the size of JoJo and Kiki.

Kiki - Very pretty sexlink. She can tell when you want to pick her up, and will crouch to let you pick her up easily. A bit shy, but way friendly and sweet.

JoJo - Our newest chicken, youngest. She is a delaware, and she's a bit skiddish. You don't know what to expect from her.

Deceased chickens: Button, Ziggy, Little Marian, Goofy, Jazz, Cleo (R.I.P!)
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In the Working coop we have the big girls:

Ginger- Red Sexlink
Spice- Red Sexlink
Cali-California White
Penguin-SLW/Brahma mix
Jersey-Jersey Giant
Soon to add
Ebony-Black standard Cochin
Ivory-White standard Cochin
Sky - Splash standard Cochin
& Bootz-Blue Standard Cochin Roo

In my fuzzy Coop:

Bleep-Blue Ameraucana
Azul-Blue Silkie
Tpoaz-Blue Silkie
Willow-Splash Silkie
Whisper-Splash Silkie
Inky-Black Silkie
& Inka-Black Frizzle

In my daughters Coop please meet the band:

Strings-Bantam cochin
Rythem-Buff Laced Polish
More members being interviewed by their manager Sunshine-Red Frizzle
wanna hear the dumbest question in thee world...

whats a buff? and what does broody mean? and is there a diff with broody hen.... i kind of have an idea but if someone could just clarify that would be sweet.

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