Show off your chicken names!!!

Well.....We still have to name some more but the ones we do have are:

Tex-RIR Roo
Chicken Little-hes the only bantam
Sarah-Barred Rock

Ok so writing this has me realizing that I still have to name 10 more!lol. Might have to steal a few names from
What would you name these?

SLW Girl?

EE Roo
Yikes! We have 77 chicks!!
But we have got to naming some, let's see:

Clucky, Lady Honoria Dedlock, Lady Jane, Minerva McGonagall, Quasimodo, Othello, Desemona, Mrs. Palfrey, Omega, Bella, Philotes, Victoria, Sheriff of Naughty-ham, Hagrid, Grawp, Nefertiti...that's it so far!
Wow! Your little EE Roo looks nearly identical to my 3+ month old mutt pullet "Evie". Right down to the brick red feathers on his back. Too bad you're not closer to me. It would be fun to cross them up once they're both mature.

Try some of these names on for size.

My "older" Girls:
Brewenna (Reserved for extra large hens!
FussyButt (Reserved for particulary fussy old hens.

The "New Crew" as I call them.... 3+ month old pullets and cockerels:
Evie, Ingrid, Sonic, Prius, Gretchen, Ginger, Tira, Dotty, Penny, Ivy, Vivian, Esther, and GeeGee (Short for Griffin's Girl, our former rooster)

Brutus (my #1 boy) Chief (my #1.5 boy
) Big Red, Little Red and Cry Baby.

And last but not least, The Three Amigos, 2 mutts and 1 Ameraucana still in the brooder, sex is indeterminate at this time:
Helen (hatched on May 18, so naturally.......) Darby (both mutts) and Amelia (Ameraucana)
My neighbor named one of our Buff Orpingtons "Dumpling". He was licking his chops when he named her. The name stuck! The only other one that has a name is "Droopy" because she is the only one with a droopy comb. I need to think of names for the rest of them. Some of the names you all are using are so cute!
I don't have any yet, but I like:
Addeline (Addy)
Emmeline (Emmy)
Zoe (Like Zoe Nightshade in PJ+O series)
That's all I have for now, but I'm researching names because I want some names from where the chicken originated, maybe. And I like naming my pets REAL names, not like Fluffy cuz it's fluffy or Bolt cuz it's fast or something. I like interesting names.

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